Accordingly, adjusting the bed scale of the Field hospital no. 1 - Binh Duong from 1,500 beds to 2,786 beds (of which 250 beds serve the tier 2 of the treatment tower under the guidance of the Department of Health).
Adjusting the bed scale of Thoi Hoa Covid-19 treatment area under the Field Hospital no. 1 - Binh Duong from 5,300 beds to 10,303 beds (of which 2,200 beds have a central oxygen system serving the tier 2 of the treatment tower under the guidance of the Department of Health). Specifically, Block A has 4,370 beds (of which 800 beds have a central oxygen system serving the tier 2 of the treatment tower); Block B has 5,933 beds (of which 1,400 beds have a central oxygen system serving the tier 2 of the treatment tower).
Adjusting the bed scale of Thoi Hoa 2 Covid-19 treatment area under the Field Hospital no. 1 - Binh Duong from 6,500 beds to 13,920 beds.
In order to support and ensure the effective operation of hospitals and treatment areas, the Department of Health strengthens medical personnel; Provincial Military Command, Provincial Police strengthen forces to ensure security and order; Investment and Industrial Development Joint Stock Corporation contacts other localities to receive aid and supplement human resources, the hospital's management board implements the contract of hiring F0 patients who are healthy and have no symptoms to perform some appropriate work in order to reduce pressure on the medical team.
Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang