Thứ 5, Ngày 02/09/2021, 18:00
Instructing people to self-take samples at home when conducting large-scale testing
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​PORTAL - Binh Duong Department of Health has just issued a document on the urgent implementation of a new method in large-scale testing.

Accordingly, the district-level Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control urgently deploys people to self-take samples under the supervision of medical staff according to the instructions in Official Dispatch no. 2023/SYT-NVY dated August 27, 2021 of the Department of Health, must ensure pandemic prevention regulations when taking samples, taking samples at each household, each boarding house, etc., to limit the concentration of many people in one place. Considering taking pooled samples for a RT-PCR test to gradually replace rapid testing when sampling in a large scale to ensure the accuracy of the confirmatory test for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection.

In the quarantine area, prioritizing the maximum resources of sampling for RT-PCR confirmatory test for SARS-CoV-2, ensuring the fastest return of results to minimize "cross-infected people" when brought into the concentrated quarantine area. It is necessary to ensure good facilities and quarantine of "suspected cases" when conducting large-scale sampling to avoid the situation of quarantined people being herded in temporary areas, areas that do not have enough facilities and do not ensure pandemic prevention. The head of the locality takes full responsibility if the situation of people being herded into areas that do not ensure pandemic prevention conditions.

For those who have been quarantined for full 07 days, quarantine areas, treatment areas, and field hospitals must strictly comply with Telegram 1168/CD-BYT dated August 07, 2021 of the Ministry of Health on strengthening measures for Covid-19 prevention and control. In case of insufficient testing capacity, the treatment facilities should send a written request to the Steering Committee for Pandemic Prevention and Control in the area to support the mobile team to urgently implement. The District Steering Committee is responsible for supervising and inspecting quarantine areas, treatment areas, field hospitals in the area and is responsible before the provincial inspection team if there is a backlog of eligible patients to end quarantine, treatment, or hospital discharge.  

At the same time, providing enough facilities, materials, tests, etc. for the Mobile Medical Station to carry out Covid-19 testing and prioritize handling of suspected cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection performed by the Mobile Medical Station.

Reported by Phuong Chi-Translated by Nguyen Trang

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