Accordingly, it is required to thoroughly and seriously and effectively implement Directive no. 10 of the Prime Minister in association with the continued strict implementation of the Party's guidelines and the State's laws on anti-corruption, thrift practice and anti-waste.
Heads of agencies and units must uphold the responsibility to set an example; closely direct and organize the synchronous implementation of solutions in order to effectively handle and prevent the situation of harassment and trouble in solving affairs; strictly comply with regulations on receiving people, receiving reflections, recommendations, complaints and denunciations from people in accordance with regulations. Building a contingent of officials and civil servants who are politically and ideologically stable, pure in ethics and lifestyle, and proficient in expertise and professionalism in the process of dealing with the affairs of people and enterprises.
Rectifying the management; tightening administrative rules and disciplines, strengthening inspection and supervision of officials, civil servants and public employees in public official activities, and settling affairs related to people and enterprises; ensuring a complete and timely settlement of recommendations, reflections and denunciations of people and enterprises, avoiding the situation of unclear explanations instead of settlements.
Strictly handling irresponsible heads of agencies and units, allowing officials, civil servants and public employees under their direct management to commit acts of harassment and trouble to people and enterprises; immediately handling the head who shows signs of shielding, tolerating subordinates who commit misconduct.
Implementing administrative reform, increasing publicity and transparency in the activities of agencies, organizations and units, renewing the application of information technology in the management activities of State administrative agencies. Providing a specific roadmap to deploy online public services at level 3 or higher; at places where they regularly interact and transact with people, enterprises must have supervision by modern technology (such as audio recording, video recording, online monitoring, etc.).
Improving the quality of dialogue with enterprises and people in a practical and progressive direction; capturing the thoughts, aspirations and problems of people and enterprises to solve practically and completely. Publicizing the time and place of receiving people of the head of the agency or unit on the website (if any) and the office of the agency or organization. Publicizing phone numbers of agencies, units and organizations that receive, process and promptly settle reflections, recommendations and denunciations of people and enterprises.
Focusing on propagating, disseminating and educating the law on anti-corruption, promoting the role and responsibility of society in anti-corruption. Strengthening inspection and examination of official duties; developing a mechanism to supervise and detect violations.
Reported by Yen Nhi - Translated by Nguyen Trang