Thứ 5, Ngày 02/09/2021, 20:00
By September 2, 2021, Binh Duong had 66,077 patients discharged from hospital
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​PORTAL - According to the report of the Department of Health, on September 2, 2021, Binh Duong recorded 3,405 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the total number of discharged patients from the 4thoutbreak to 66,077.

​​In the past 24 hours, Binh Duong recorded 4,504 new cases of Covid-19. In which, the infected cases were mainly found in blockade areas with 3644 cases (accounting for 80.9%), through community screening tests with 692 cases (accounting for 15.4%); 119 cases were confirmed by PCR in the temporary isolation ward (accounting for 2.6%) and 49 cases were detected at medical facilities (accounting for 1.1%)

By residential area, Tan Uyen Town had 2,129 cases, Thuan An City had 1,575 cases, Di An City had 473 cases, Thu Dau Mot City had 150 cases, Ben Cat Town had 118 cases, Phu Giao District had 16 cases, Bau Bang District had 15 cases, Dau Tieng District had 11 cases, Bac Tan Uyen District had 01 cases and 16 cases were outside the province.

During the day, 4,152 patients have been treated, 34 deaths occurred. Currently, Covid-19 treatment facilities in the province are treating 56,741 patients.


Distribution of daily cases by locality on September 2​

Cumulatively, the whole province reported that 1,024,987 doses of vaccine were injected (980,108 1st doses and 44,879 2nd doses). From September 2, 2021, Binh Duong started injecting 1 million doses of Sinopharm's Vero Cell vaccine made in China for people who have not received any vaccine in districts, towns and cities in the province to achieve the goal that all people over 18 years old receive at least 1 dose of Covid-19 vaccine.


Number of cases by date of publication

For people in 15 wards under lockdown in Thuan An, Di An and Tan Uyen, functional forces are continuing to distribute food to people, so that people can feel secure "whereever you are, stay there", at the same time, conducting tests to separate all F0 from the community to bring people's life back to a new normal state after September 15.

On September 2, 2021, the province provided support for 35,043 cases, with a total amount of VND 22.099 billion. Including:

- Support the subjects according to Resolution No. 68/ND-CP, with the amount of VND 14.775 billion, specifically:

·      Support 1,136 employees who suspended labor contracts or left unpaid with the amount of VND 2.314 billion (additional support for 207 cases of pregnancy and raising children under 6 years old);

·      Support employees to terminate labor contracts, work contracts but are not eligible for unemployment benefits for 17 people with the amount of VND 66.07 million (Additional support for 03 cases of pregnancy, raising children under 6 years old);

·      Food support for 12,074 people who are F0 and F1 with the amount of VND 7.425 billion (including additional support for 579 children);

·      Support for 2,375 people who are employees without labor contracts with the amount of VND 4.942 billion;

- Housing rent support for workers staying in accommodation for 7,632 people with the amount of VND 2.289 billion;

- Food support for workers in difficult circumstances who are staying in accommodation for 10,070 people with the amount of VND 5.035 billion.

Reported by Yen Nhi - Translated by Nguyen Trang 



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