Thứ 2, Ngày 10/09/2012, 11:05
August 2012: Binh Duong – Stable economic development, cultural & social focusing
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BEGIC - In August 2012, with the implementation of Government policies in tackling difficulties of enterprises and supporting market, enterprises within the province have gradually stabilized production, created high production value. Social security and order has been maintained for the production activities of enterprises and civil life of people.
Industrial production value increased by 6.7%
After carrying out the solution to tackle difficulties for enterprises, supporting the market under the Resolution 13/NQ-CP of the Government, Resolution 29/2012/QH13 of the Parliament, enterprises have gradually got over difficulties, stabilized production. Therefore, industrial production value of August got high growth rate, estimated at 12,049 billion VND, increased 6.7% compared to July.
Industrial production value of August 2012 got a high growth rate (Photo: Automobile components production at Yazaki ESD Co. Vietnam)
Export turnover is estimated at $982 million, increased 1.9% in comparison to July and increased 10% compared to same period. Key exporting products got stable growth rate such as: textiles increased 2.9%, foot wears increased 15.6%, furniture increased 10.7%, etc.
Import turnover is estimated at $807 million, increased 1.9% in comparison to July and fall 3.6% compared to same period. Import products with high growth rate included: paper powder,  paper and machine equipment facilities increased 11.2%, 27% and 24.3% respectively.
Total retails and service increased 2.1%
Total retail and service turnover is estimated at 5,814 billion VND, raised by 2.1% compared to July and by 25.9% compared to same period. Consumer price index (CPI) in August raised by 0.4% compared to last month, due to the increase in fuel price as gasoline, oil, gas and electricity from 1 July 2012..
Transportation service increased in comparison to same period, total turnover is estimated over one billion VND, increased 2.6% compared to July, in which goods transportation increased 2.7%, passenger transportation increased 1.5%.
Push up price stabilization in books, notebooks and education facilities at schools in the province as schedule. Hold 38 ambulatory shops selling products under price stabilization program at districts, towns and city of the province.
Carry out cultural - social programs and plans
Hold the summary session for 2011-2012 school year, directing mission and target for 2012-2013 school year at districts, towns, city and schools in the province. Categorize students after secondary level graduation, 76.15% secondary school graduates go to 10th grade at public high schools.
Students pass academic entrance examination increased compared to 2010-2011 school year, accounted for 48.7%, average mark is 11.99 points (the average mark of Vietnam: 11.39 points), ranked 14 out of 63 cities and provinces. Some schools have high percentage of selected academic students including Hung Vuong Special School (Thu Dau Mot city) - 96.53%, Tay Nam High School (Ben Cat district) - 81%, Di An High School (Di An town) - 78.21%, Tan Phuoc Khanh High School (Tan Uyen district) - 74.67%.
Upon the 65th year anniversary of the Remembrance Day 27 July (Day for Martyrs and War Invalids), the province held meetings, presenting gifts and houses, health checking for 54,008 turns of people under special policy with the total of 25 billion VND, increased 8.01 billion VND compared to 2011.
Provincial leaders met and presented necessary interior furniture for families under special policy in the province on the occasion of the Remembrance Day 27 July.
Hold 02 job fairs with 136 enterprise turns, providing employment vacancies for 14,749 workers. Paying unemployment insurance for 5,797 persons with total of 38.2 billion VND (data from July 17th ,2012 to  August 15th ,2012).
Focus in implementation of propaganda and motivation, television and broadcasting, book exhibition, etc. in celebrating the 67th year anniversary of August Revolution (19 August 1945 – 19 August 2012) and the National Day 2 September. Successfully hold the U18 ITF Junior Championship and 03 Tennis Professional Becamex Championship in 2012.
Ensure stable political security, maintain orderly routine and standing active status in military, smoothly communications and in time co-ordinate to solve any issues incurring in the province.
Hoang Pham
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