Thứ 3, Ngày 31/07/2012, 03:53
Industrial parks & Clusters: Forces to lead Binh Duong’s industry toward modernization
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BEGIC - In recent years, Binh Duong’s economy has had rapid growth rate, with average GDP growth rate of 14$ - 15% and being one of the provinces and cities with strong industrial development of Vietnam. That success has a significant role of industrial zones, industrial clusters which stand as the leverage for Binh Duong’s industry to develop toward modernization.
Binh Duong – rapid changes of industrial parks & clusters
Backing September 1995 when Song Than Industrial Park first established and put into operation, 17 years later, currently Binh Duong has had 28 industrial parks established with total planned area of 9,093.25 hectares, locating in Thu Dau Mot city, Di An town, Thuan An town, Ben Cat district and Tan Uyen district. At the present, 24 industrial parks have been officially under operation with total area of 8,351 hectares.
Since establishment, industrial parks have been rented 3,169 hectares, fulfilling 65%; in which 6 industrial parks have 100% land rental (Song Than, Dong An, Tan Dong Hiep A, Viet Huong, VSIP I, My Phuoc 2), 4 industrial parks with percentage of more than 95% (Song Than 2, Binh Duong, Binh An, VSIP II), 1 industrial park with more than 90% land rental (Nam Tan Uyen.
VSIP I have 100% land rental
In term of industrial clusters, up to now Binh Duong has 8 industrial clusters under implementation with total planned area of more than 593 hectares in Thuan An town (Binh Chuan, An Thanh industrial cluster), Di An town (Tan Dong Hiep industrial cluster), Tan Uyen district (Beauty City Joint-Stock Co., Tan My, Uyen Hung Town, Phu Chanh industrial cluster) and Dau Tieng district (Thanh An industrial cluster). At the present, the fulfill percentage of these industrial clusters is 40.39%, among them, Binh Chuan, An Thanh, Tan Dong Hiep, and Beauty City Joint-Stock Co., industrial clusters fulfilled 100% area.
Besides, in order to attract investors into industrial parks and clusters, companies in construction and operation of industrial parks and clusters have constructed standard infrastructure, meeting the requirement of domestic and foreign investors, such as: internal industrial park transportation system connecting to mainstream transportation system as well as sea ports, water ports, air ports; pure water supply system and water sewage, electricity system; telecommunications; waste treatment factory, etc. with total capital of more than VND8,200 billion and $300 million.
Binh Duong – effective investment for entrepreneurs
With the slogan of “laying the red carpet to welcome investors, laying flower carpet to welcome professors”, and the determination in reforming the administrative management with the model of “one stop”, Binh Duong’s industrial parks have attracted 1,527 projects in effect, including 1,145 FDI projects with total registered capital of more than $8.8 billion, and 382 domestic projects with total registered capital of more than VND 23,000 billion. Industrial clusters have attracted 40 projects, in which 7 domestic projects with total capital of VND 420 billion and 33 FDI projects with total capital of $185 million.
Manufacturing and business of enterprises inside the industrial parks have continuously increased with average rate of 15% - 25% annually
Manufacturing and business of enterprises inside the industrial parks have continuously increased with average rate of 15% - 25% annually, by 2011 turnover gained $8 billion, in which exporting got $3.7 billion. Even being affected by economic crisis in certain time, enterprises have actively found new customers and markets. Additionally, with the number of more than 60 new enterprises every year, the turnover of industrial parks has increased with average rate larger than that of the country. 300,000 jobs have been created, especially in 2011, 11,000 workers have been employed.
Binh Duong – Model for industrial development of Vietnam
During the past years, with the contribution of industrial parks and clusters, Binh Duong has developed to be among provinces and cities with strongest industrial development. Industrial value of 2011 achieved more than VND 123,200 billion (industrial parks and clusters account for approximately 50% - 70%) and being the leverage for Binh Duong industry to develop toward modernization.
Besides, enterprises within the industrial parks and clusters also contributed in to economic growth of Binh Duong, fostering economic structure changing toward industry – service – agriculture, creating new jobs for about 300,000 local and neighboring workers with stable income.
Environmental protection inside industrial parks and clusters has been always maintained and ensured under State regulations; the construction of some eco-friendly industrial parks like Dong An, VSIP, My Phuoc, etc. is the new development step of Binh Duong in the course of industrial development and environmental protection.
 VSIP - The construction of eco-friendly industrial park
Hoang Pham
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