Thứ 5, Ngày 19/07/2012, 07:42
Binh Duong: Loan of 5,392 bil.VND with prefered rate for enterprises from 4 prioritized fields
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BEGIC - Implementing Government’s direction on solving difficulties in business and manufacturing of enterprises, Vietnam State Bank – Binh Duong Branch has carried out many solutions in monetary, credits, rates for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), rural & agriculture, exporting manufacturing and supporting industrial enterprises with total loan of 5,392 billion VND.
Applying the Circular no. 14/2012/TT-NHNN dated 4th May 2012 of Vietnam State Bank, Binh Duong branch has lent enterprises from 4 prioritized fieds including: rural and agriculture with 70,739 customers (loan of 1,899 billion VND), exporting products trade and manufacturing enterprises with 91 customers (loan of 1,083 billion VND), SMEs with 402 customers (loan of 2,022 billion VND) and supporting industrial enterprises (loan of 388 billion VND)  with rate of 13%/year.
Vietnam State Bank – Binh Duong branch also instructed credit units inside the province to strictly implement directions of the State Bank on Vietnam Dong interest rate, to apply suitable loan upon the interest rate, loan risk assessment, cost saving, difficulty sharing with customers.
Concurrently, State Bank – Binh Duong Branch also scheduled plan to assist SMEs under the direction of Decree 56/ND-CP dated 30th June 2009 of the Government on assisting SMEs in Binh Duong province in the period of 2010 – 2015, to arm the provincial authorities in supporting SMEs inside the province.
Hoang Pham
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