Chủ Nhật, Ngày 10/06/2012, 02:39
First five months of 2012: VSIP attract more than $468m FDI capital
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BEGIC - Under the information of Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park Management Board (VSIP), in the first five months of 2012, VSIP attracted more than $468 million.
FDI attraction into VSIP increased 60% compared to the same period of 2011, and achieved 156% of 2012’s targeted plan. New enterprises with investment certificate issuance have implemented the projects, especially those with large investment capital.
Baosteel Can making (Vietnam) plant in VSIP II, Binh Duong province.  The total capital costs more than US$ 86 million
Mr. Nguyen Phu Thinh – General Director of VSIP Joint-Venture Company informed: “Facing with difficulties from the global economic crisis, FDI attraction into VSIP is still promising. Even the number of new projects is less than the same period last year, those projects with large amount of capital and high land use needs rapidly increased compared to last year, this shows the quality of investment project has grown shapely and the effective use of land is improving.
Phuong Nguyen
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