Thứ 3, Ngày 15/05/2012, 03:17
April 2012: Industrial production to reach 10,097 billion VND
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BEGIC - Despite the difficulties in national and international economic development, Binh Duong socio-economic situation still grew stably and considerably by the efforts of all levels and departments.
Industrial production in April 2012 continued to increase but lower than which of last period and March because enterprises had facing challenges in their business such as consumer goods, inventories as well as capital shortage. Binh Duong industrial production in April 2012 was estimated to gain 10,097 billion VND, a rise of 4% and 17% compared to March and last period respectively. The accumulated value of industrial production of 4 months reached 37,488 billion VND, jumped at a rate of 10.6%, in which, domestic economic sector posted a increase of 8.6%, approximately 37,488 billion VND, foreign sector moved up at 8.6%, reaching 25,328 billion VND.
April is the month of big holiday. Therefore, the rise of good demand was still ensured. The retail and service recorded the revenue of 5,517 billion VND, 0.4% above its month-earlier level and 22.4% up in comparison with last period. Consumption price index (CPI) moved up at 0.2% compared to last month and 3.26% to last December. In order to stabilize the price, the provincial People’s Committee adopted the plan of market stabilization in 2012 with the total of capital of 485 billion VND.
In the point of investing for development, 1,312 billion VND was invested for principal capital in the first four months, equivalent to 34.5% of plan. 60 newly registered domestic companies of 253.990 billion VND capital and 15 added -capital companies of 110.59 billion VND complemented capital. The accumulation of 4 months was 478 new enterprises; 01 project of 3,379 billion VND was granted the Investment Certificate.
Foreign investment added US$ 264.123 million, comprising of 11 new projects of US$ 48.322 million and 13 complemented capital projects with the increase capital of US$ 215.801 million. The accumulated foreign investment of 4 months gained US$ 1.689 billion including 25 new projects of US$1.276 million and 30 added- capital projects of US$ 412.997.
Budget revenue was estimated to reach 1,650 billion VND, the accumulation of 4 months recorded 89% in comparison with last period, equivalent to 28.5% of plan proposed by Ministry of Finance. The budget expenditure was 700 billion VND, the accumulation of 4 months gained 3,600 billion VND, a rise of 77% compared to the same period of last year. The total mobilized capital up to late April of 64.803 billion VND, advanced 3.99% in comparison with last month and 16.69% with last period.
Social security policies was continuously implemented: adopting105 documents for social welfare beneficiaries and persons having merit of assisting the Revolution; construct and hand over 03 houses of love to 03 martyr families capitalized 293 million VND by provincial budget and themselves, construct another house of affection of 35 million VND and continue to support a monthly electricity charge of 30,000 dong for underprivileged household under the provincial poverty standards.
Offering the essential interior furnitures to families under preferential treatment policy (Photo: HoangPham)
02 job fairs were organized by the provincial job center with the participation of 4,900 labors and 140 employers providing 13,941 jobs, in which 4,332 people were directly interviewed. The general situation of political and social security was ensured.
Promoting the achieved results, all provincial departments and levels determine continuously in May 2012 to implement the solutions in attempting to control the inflation, stabilize the macro economy and ensure the social security. Favorise enterprises in their business, enhance the trade promotion, marketing to attract the investors, review and control the decrease of PCI in 2012. Continue to investigate, speed up the capital construction especially provincial key constructions and concentrate to remove the obstacles of compensation and land clearance…
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