Thứ 4, Ngày 21/03/2012, 12:45
February 2012: US$ 48 million of foreign investment attraction
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BEGIC - Despite the challenges faced the world economy, Binh Duong social economic situation was still stable in February 2012 thanks to the efforts of the all provincial authority levels enterprises and local people.
Industrial production was estimated 10,063 billion VND, a rise of 19.1% against last month and 56.7% compared to the same period of last year; domestic economy and foreign investment economy increased by 49.4% and 60.3% compared to the same period of 2011; The accumulated production of the two first month of 2012 presented 18,577 billion VND, a increase of 18.3% against last period of last year.
Binh Duong People’s Committee Chairman Le Thanh Cung granted the Investment Certificate to Sun Steel Joint Stock Company
Total revenue of goods retail and services gained about 5,366 billion VND, a rise of 23.1% in comparison with last period. The accumulation of the first two months attained 10,889 billion VND, up 18.3% against the last period. Consumption price index (CPI) of February rose 1.66% because of increasing demands in goods and services during the holiday. Transportation met the demand of 7.7 million passengers during the New Year lunar festival, a growth of 5.8% against last month.
Export turnover was estimated US$ 821milllion, up 5.1% against last month; accumulation of the two months to reach US$ 1,602 million, a rise of 18.9% compared to the same period of last year, US$ 1,282 million for the foreign sector. Increased products were machines, electronics components, textile and garment materials…
Capital construction expenditure from the provincial budget cost 420 billion 37 million VND, equivalent to 16.29% the proposed plan.
Ground-breaking ceremony of Tokyu – Binh Duong garden city
61 new enterprises registered with the capital of 1,105 billion 580 million VND, 01 project capitalized 3.379 billion VND was granted the investment certificate. Foreign investment attraction gained US$ 48.8 million, among them US$ 16.9 billion of 05 newly registered projects and US$ 31.9 million of 06 supplement-capital projects. Investment development Founds disbursed 229 billion VND. Provincial budget revenue was estimated 1,500 billion VND, the expenditure was 800 billion VND. Total mobilized capital gained 55,542 billion VND, a growth of 14.6% in comparison with last period.
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