Thứ 4, Ngày 11/01/2012, 03:09
Binh Duong – More than US$ 10 billion gained through export
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BEGIC - Although a hard scene in economy nationwide, Binh Duong province has obtained a substantial growth in industrial sector in 2011 by implementing seriously the Conclusion No.2 of Political Bureau of Central Party Committee and the Resolution No.11 issued by Government on inflation control, macroeconomic stabilization and social security.
The provincial Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose 14% in comparison with the same period of 2010. The provincial economic structure was 62.2%, 33.7% and 4.1% for industry, service and agriculture respectively. Total industrial value estimated by 123,201 billion VND, an increase of 17.8% (96.3% of year plan). Export turnover estimated at US$ 10,342 billion, an augmentation of 21.1% (103% of year plan).
The main export goods were: cashew nuts (27,501 tons – gained 74.6%), coffee (39,419 tons – increased by 128.7%), rubber (258,441 tons – rose by 134.4%), garment (US$ 1.4 billion – gained 113.1%), handicraft goods (US$ 117.7 million – gained 112%), and electronics (US% 271.3 million – gained 116.5%)
Electronics gained a total value of US$ 271.3 million through export
It is anticipated that the provincial export turnover in 2012 will increase by 20% over 2011. Binh Duong will focus on trade promotion activities such as participating in domestic as well as international trade fairs in order to help Vietnamese business to enhance competitiveness and improve export revenue in the circumstance of the world economical integration.
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