Thứ 3, Ngày 27/12/2011, 01:44
Binh Duong GDP increased by 14% in 2011
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BEGIC - Although influenced by the global economic crisis, provincial socio-economic situation has still improved, reaching the impressive result in all fields, most key targets had stable growth thank to the right direction of authorities in controlling inflation and ensuring social welfare, indicated report.
Achieve the proposed targets
According to the report, the provincial gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 14%, industrial, agricultural and service production value rose by 17.8%, 4.2% and 26.4% respectively; Export turnover increased 21.1%. Up to the end of  November 2011, foreign investment attraction attained US$ 889 million; new budget revenue gained 22,500 billion VND, budget expenditure was at 8,000 billion VND; birth rate reduced by 0.6‰; primary health care rate having doctors reached 100%; the nutritional deficiency rate of children under five years old was at 12.4%; clean water rate in rural areas reached 96%; rate of treating enterprises causing serious environmental pollution attained 91.2%, rate of industrial parks fixing sewage systems reached 96%, solid waste rate treated was at 86%, forest cover percentage was at 56.6%; rate of households using phones noticed 99%; impoverished households decreased 1.71% compared to the first quarter of this year; 46,179 employees found their own jobs.
Economy continued to grow
Binh Duong had the right policy in attraction foreign and domestic investment, therefore, industrial growth increased steadily. Industrial production estimated to reach 123,201 billion VND, rose by 17.8%, in which domestic economic sector attained 32.6%, an 18.6% rise; foreign investment sector took the remaining 67.4%, a 17.3% growth. Some industries had a significant increase such as paper, chemical, steal, furniture, rubber and so forth.
Domestic trade had also a considerable development, many campaigns bringing Vietnam goods to rural areas, industrial parks and residents were hold to serve the labor. Total retail sales estimated at 59,367 billion VND, rose by 30.5%. Implement the fixed price campaigns at supermarkets as well as in 82 sites of rural communes and industrial parks with the total value of 600 billion VND. Consumer Price Index (CPI) 2011 estimated to reach 17.17%.
Export figures experienced a high growth, occupying a substantial position in nation-wide export turnover. It is estimated to gain US$10.342 billion, a 21.1% rise. There are 1,670 businesses directly exporting to 193 countries and territories. Rubbers, electronics, furniture, textile and garment were the top high value. Import turnover estimated to reach 9.126 billion USD, a 24.7% increase.
Continuing the provincial policy of rolling out the red carpet to attract investors, until the end of November 2011, domestic investment reached 26,300 billion VND including 1,507 new-registered enterprises of 14,828 billion VND and 521 increasing-capital enterprises. Accumulated newly registered enterprises were 13,162 with the total capital of 90,886 billion VND; foreign investment gained US$ 889 million comprising 76 new-registered projects of US$708.5 million and 118 increasing-capital projects of US$ 480.5. Until now, the accumulation of foreign projects attained 2,054 and the total capital was US$ 14.576 million.
In 2011, Binh Duong province has 1,507 new-registered enterprises with the total capital of 14,828 billion VND (Photo: HoangPham)
Concerning the capital construction invested from the national budget, Binh Duong province directed all levels to review and reduce 91 projects (10%) equivalent to 330 billion VND under the direction of the Government; to reasonably use the reduction capital for priority constructions in order to operate in 2011. Construction investment expenditure reached 3,815 billion VN approximately 100% of the proposed plan.
The budget revenue estimated to reach 22,500 billion VND, obtained 107% the provincial People’s Council plan, the revenue gained 14,500 billion VND equivalent to 109% of the plan in the field of domestic trade; 8,000 billion VND, equivalent to 104% of the proposed plan. The total capital estimated 55,801 billion VND, rose 19.42% in comparison with the beginning of the year.
Ensured social security
In 2011, benefiting by the greatest interest from all levels, Binh Duong province considerably implemented policies ensuring social security, caring for the local people, creating jobs, especially policies for social welfare beneficiaries, underprivileged households and labors.
Subventions, health insurance, social policies were well executed: gifts, visits, repair and construction of loved houses approximately183 billion VND. Others subventions: electricity cost, health insurance card fee, gifts, house of affection construction, subventions for under privileged people, saving books… cost 121 billion VND.
Grand opening of VSIP Community Clinic (Photo: HoangPham)
14 job fairs were organized with the participation of 2,687 enterprises and 25,005 interviewed labors. In 2011, 70,857 jobs were created, in which 46,179 new jobs. Until now, the total of labors reached 744,158 people. Insurances for labors were promptly executed. Insurance expenditure gained 1,736 billion VND, in which 143.5 billion VND for unemployment insurance.
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