Chủ Nhật, Ngày 11/12/2011, 09:13
2011, Binh Duong province gains 100% of capital construction investment plan
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BEGIC - By implementing the Resolution 11/NQ-CP issued on Feb 24, 2011 by Prime Minister and the Resolution 27/2010/NQ-HDND7 issued on Dec 10, 2010 by the 7th Binh Duong People’s Council about ratification of capital construction investment plan, Provincial People’s Committee and involved departments have promptly solved the problems arising in the work of capital construction, ...
Total capital in 2011 was at 3,815.057 billion VND, in which planed capital ratified by People’s Council was at 3,300 billion VND, planed capital for the national target gained 6.955 billion VND, supplementary capital (mainly from the awards exceeded 2010 revenue, additional central budget and lottery) was at 508.102 billion VND. Provincial authorities managed 1,585.268 billion VND, district and town’s authorities take the remaining 2,169.789 billion VND, reserve funds gained 100 billion VND.
996 billion VND invested by Thu Dau Mot People’s Committee for the road leading into the concentrated administrative and politic centre (Binh Duong new city) (Photo: HoangPham)
Up to Oct 31, 2011, total capital allocated was at 2,549.176 billion VND, reaching 80.1%, in which the central supplementary capital managed by province achieved the acceptance value of 153.919 billion VND ( reaching 270.2%), provincial budget gained the acceptance value of 805.833 billion VND ( reaching 77.7%), district and town budget had an acceptance value of 1,364.909 billion VND (gaining 71.7%). Total acceptance values estimated in 2011 were at 3,950 billion VND, attaining 103.5%, and the allocated values were at 3,815.057 billion VND equal 100% of proposed plan.
Total budget for capital construction in 2012 is expected to be at 3,800 billion VND, in which, provincial authorities will deliver about 48.7% for transportation systems, 22.5% for public sewage systems, 2.2% for rural development, 9.4% for education and health, other domains occupy 17.2%.  Districts and town authorities have their own policy in allocation capital, ensure a balance financial plan.
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