Thứ 3, Ngày 08/06/2010, 06:06
VN targets to stand among top 70 ICT powers
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PM Nguyễn Tấn Dũng has ordered the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) to complete, by the end of this month, the draft Project on converting Việt Nam into an ICT power by 2020.

Việt Nam targets to become one of the top 70 ITC members of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) by 2015, according to the project.

The total ICT turnover will account for 17-20% of the gross domestic product and double or triple the GDP’s growth pace in next five years..
By 2020, Việt Nam plans to jump up at least 10 ranks. The aggregate revenue from its ICT sector will make up around 20-23% of the GDP.
Key measures to realize the above targets include greater resources for ICT infrastructure development, intensive IT applications in the State’s bodies, human resource development; and setting-ups of ICT giants.
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