Thứ 6, Ngày 24/08/2012, 09:14
Binh Duong: Ground-Breaking ceremony for An Son service port construction
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BEGIC – Aug 24th, at An Son commune (Thuan An town), Thanh Le Import-Export Trading Company (Thalexim) started the construction of An Son Service Port. Mr. Le Thanh Cung – Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee attended the ceremony.
An Son Service Port Project has the total area of 45 hectares, including 15 hectares for port infrastructure, in which having 86,000 m2 of warehouses and three quays (two for importing and one for exporting goods), each quay is 92m long and 37m wide receiving barges of 1,000 – 2,200 tons. Total capital is 323 billion VND, invested by Thalexim and scheduled in 10 months. The other 30 hectares are used for residential and resettlement area for An Son commune.
Once completion, An Son Service Port ensures to receive and handle goods from locality and related areas with the capacity of 3.5 tons - 4.5 tons annually. In addition, 30% - 40% transportation cost will be decreased compared to road transportation, reduce pressure on road transportation system being overloaded and always stuck with traffic jams.
Hoang Pham
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