Thứ 3, Ngày 22/05/2012, 10:43
Becamex IDC announce the registration of Becamex social housing phase 1 - 2012
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BEGIC - The Corporation of Investment and Industrial Development (Becamex IDC) is deploying the registration to buy Becamex social housing in the Vietnam - Singapore, Hoa Loi, and My Phuoc Apartments.
Becamex Social housing model in Vietnam – Singapore Apartment (VSIP I, Thuan An town)
Beneficiaries are civil servants, armed forces, soldiers, workers, students, low- income people, homeless people and resettled people, employer buying for their employees. Review Board will monthly announce the time and standards for beneficiaries until the sufficient amount of applicants. Applicant list will be published on Binh Duong newspaper and website
Each apartment of 30m2costs from 90 million VND (4th floor), 110 millionVND (3rd floor), 120 million VND (2nd floor) and 140 million (1st floor). Beside this, the ground floor with an area of 57 m2 is sold at 450 million VND (the above price is not including VAT).
Get more information, see details in website
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