Thứ 3, Ngày 29/03/2011, 02:26
Waste water treament plant begins construction
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BEGIC - Mar 29, Binh Duong Water Supply Sewarage Environment Co., Ltd. (BIWASE) organized on Ground breaking ceremony of sewarage treament plant (under the Southern Binh Duong Water Environment Improvement project) at Quarter 6, Phu Tho ward. Deputy Miniter of Construction Mr. Cao Lai Quang, Vice Chairman of Binh Duong People’s Committee Mr. Tran Thanh Liem attended the event.
Overview on the plant
Located across an 11-ha area, the plant is planned with the capacity of treating 17,650 cubic metres of water per day, to collect and treat waste water in Thu Dau Mot town. The total investment capital is 1,984 billions dongs, of which 1,584 billions from Japanese ODA and 400 billion dongs from Vietnam. This project is scheduled for completion in 27 months by Kolon Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (Korea) and Civil Engineering and Construction Coporation No 5 (Cienco 5).
At the event, participants spent one minute for a memorial of people died and missing in last tsunami and earthquake in Japan. Furthermore, BIWASE, Kolon Engineering & Construction Co,.Ltd (Korea) and CIENCO 5 handed over 200 millions dongs to Japanese people in order to overcome earthquake and tsunami damages.
Thuy Linh
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