Thứ 3, Ngày 19/01/2010, 08:52
Opening the Supplement Project of Binh Duong disable and lonely elderly keeping house
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BEGIC - Jan 18, Vice Chairman of Binh Duong People’s Committee Mr. Nguyen Van Hiep attended the opening ceremony of project on improving Binh Duongdisable – lonely elderly keeping house at An Thanh ward, Thuan An District.
The humanitarian purposes of the Center is to receive, manage and take care of the elderly with difficult conditions, disables, homeless and those without family-living conditions voluntarily pay to stay at the Center. Currently, the center is the home of 73 old people (the eldest is 95 years old, the youngest is 46 years old), among them, there are 29 psychos, 20 disables (disables and psychos), 10 paralysis.
The project is sponsored with the capital of VND 3.6 billion (first phase of improvement) by Mr. Ong Quang Thong and Sieu Thanh Corp. via Ms. Le Thi Van - Former Vice Chairwoman of Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee. Besides this, Sieu Thanh Corp. also bought  facilities for serving the elderly people: fridges, washing machines, televisions, benches, water heating machines, water dispenser, etc.
At the event, Vice Chairman Nguyen Van Hiep handed over the Certificate of Binh Duong People’s Committee to Mr. Ong Quang Thong and Sieu Thanh Corp. for the contributions in charity activities in Binh Duong province.
Hoang Pham
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