Thứ 6, Ngày 16/09/2011, 02:00
Implementation of regional minimum salary regulation for Binh duong enterprises
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BEGIC - Sep 16, Binh Duong Department of Labor - Invalids and Social affairs hold the conference to implement the Decree No. 7070/2011/NĐ-CP dated August 22nd, 2011 of the Government on regulation of regional minimum salary for employees working in enterprises, companies, cooperatives, cooperative groups, farmers, householders, individuals and organizations in operation in Binh Duong province.
At the meeting, Labor – Invalids and social affairs department representative gave instructions and in formations about the implementation of the Decision No. 70/2011/NĐ-CP.
According to the Decision No. 70/2011/NĐ-CP, from October 1st, 2011, regional minimum salary will be applied in domestic and foreign investment enterprises. In detail: the minimum salary will be applied 2 ,000,000 VND per month for labors from enterprises in operation in the region 1 (Thu Dau Mot town, Thuan An town, Di An town, Ben Cat district, and Tan Uyen district) and 1,780,000 VND per month for the region 2 (Phu Giao and Dau Tieng districts).
Mai Xuan
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