Thứ 4, Ngày 30/01/2013, 03:40
Binh Duong host meeting with religious leaders and representative chinese to welcome lunar new year of the snake
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BEGIC - 29TH Jan, at Provincial People’s Committee, the Provincial Party’s Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee and Fatherland Front host the meeting with religious leaders and representative Chinese in the province to welcome the Lunar New Year of Snake 2013.
Attending the meeting, Chairman of Fatherland Front Pham Van Canh, Chief of Committee Commission for People’s Mobilization Tran Thanh Liem, Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee Huynh Van Nhi; leaders from departments, organizations and leaders from Catholism, Buddhism, Christianism, Caodaism and Chinese representative from Thu Dau Mot City, Lai Thieu, Bung.
At the meeting, Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi inform achievements that Binh Duong province gained in 2012 and developing direction for 2013.
Vice Chairman highly appreciated the activities of religious followers and the Chinese people in the province in 2012, which presenting the motto of ”Good secular and religious life”,Living out the Gospel in the midst of the Nation”;  enhancing the whole country unification, contributing to the course of socio-economic development of the localities and the province. Vice Chairman hoped that in the time to come, religious leaders and Chinese community will continue to stand by the Communist Party Committee and Government in developing socio-economy, maintaining good tradition, strengthening national unity.

Bishop Giuse Nguyen Tan Tuoc
Exchanging views at the Meeting, Bishop Giuse Nguyen Tan Tuoc – Bishop of Phu Cuong Diocese, expressed the joy towards achievements that Binh Duong province gained in 2012 under many difficulties and challenges. The lower poverty standard of Binh Duong province in compared to national standard has showed the attention of leaders from provincial authorities, departments, organizations and localities in supporting people with difficulties of the province.

Superior Monk Thich Hue Thong
Superior Monk Thich Hue Thong – Chief of Binh Duong Buddhist Management Committee, informed that even facing global economic downturn and general national difficulties, provincial leaders have taken advantages of opportunities, changing difficulties and challenges into chances, dynamic in management to developing the province. Therefore, creating good conditions for Binh Duong Buddhism to achieve significant results, enhancing the trust in direction “Buddhism, Nation, Socialism” set out by Vietnamese Buddhism Congregation.

Hoang Pham
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