Thứ 4, Ngày 30/01/2013, 03:17
Taiwanese businesses look for investment opportunities in Binh Duong province
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BEGIC - Afternoon-January 29, at the provincial hall, Binh Duong People’s Committee Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi had a meeting with Taiwanese enterprises delegation led by Deputy Ching Chuan Su aiming to discover the investment opportunities in pharmacy and health in Binh Duong province.

At the event, Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi informed the socio-economic situation in 2012 and the provincial development objectives of 2013. Currently, Taiwan is one of the top countries and territories investing in Binh Duong province, principally in the fields of textile – garment and mechanics. Vice Chairman also highly appreciated the Taiwanese development in the health as well as pharmaceutical production by the modern technology, appropriately with the development of Binh Duong province.

On behalf of the delegation, Mr. Ching Chuan Su expressed the thanks to the provincial authorities for supporting Taiwanese enterprises in the previous time. He believed that the friendly relation between Taiwan and Vietnam in general and Binh Duong in particular, will enhance Taiwanese entrepreneurs to invest in the health and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Moreover, the favorable infrastructure conditions of Binh Duong industrial parks attract not only the investors from Taiwan but also from others countries and territories in the world.
Hoang Pham
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