Thứ 7, Ngày 19/01/2013, 03:15
Korean - Vietnamese Cultural Institute delegation (Daejeon City) in working visit in Binh Duong province
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  BEGIC - Afternoon - January 18, at the provincial office, Binh Duong People’s Committee Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi had meeting with the delegation of the Korean - Vietnamese Cultural Institute, Daejeon City (Korea) led by Mr. Kang Jong Sun - Head of division of Seoku district, Daejeon City in the occasion of his working visit in Binh Duong province.


Mr. Kim Jin Bae - Chairman of Korean - Vietnamese Cultural Institute informed that: “the purpose of this visit is the exchange between Daejeon and Binh Duong students as well as the discussion of the sisterhood relation establishment in socio-cultural fields between Seoku District (Daejeon City) and Tan Uyen District (Binh Duong province).

On behalf of provincial authorities, Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi highly appreciated the visit, reflecting the friendly relation of the two localities. He hoped that the friendly cooperation between Tan Uyen and Seoku districts will be established in the soonest time, contributing the cultural and educational exchanges of the two province and city.

Mr. Kang Jong Sun, on behalf of the delegation, expressed the thanks to the Binh Duong authorities for their supports and believed in the sisterhood cooperation of the two districts intensifying the relation of Daejeon City and Binh Duong province. Therefore, Daejeon enterprises will invest more in industrial parks in Tan Uyen district in particular and in Binh Duong in general.


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