Thứ 2, Ngày 11/06/2012, 09:30
Binh Duong authorities working with Japanese business association
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BEGIC - June 11st, at BinhDuong hall, Binh Duong People’s Committee Chairman Le Thanh Cung had meeting with Japanese business association in Ho Chi Minh City led by President Mitsuhiso Mori.
At the event, Chairman Le Thanh Cung expressed the joy and sincerest thanks to the Delegation for visiting in Binh Duong. Chairman emphasized that Binh Duong is determined to keep the stable growth despite full of obstacles in the global scale. In the provincial investment promotion plan 2012, Japanese enterprises are especially highlighted. In the effort to attract the investor, Binh Duong pay a great attention to construct and develop the infrastructure, train the high quality human resources and implement the preferential policies toward the manufactures in Binh Duong. Mr. Le Thanh Cung hoped that Japanese Business Association will create the favourable conditions for Japanese companies to do their business, especially in high technologies in Binh Duong.
On behalf of the Association, Mr. Mitsuhiso Mori sent the sincerest thanks to Binh Duong authorities for their supports to Japanese enterprises. He believed that with the provincial dynamist development, Japanese enterprises will invest more in Binh Duong and Binh Duong leaders will favorize Japanese business in the coming time.
Mai Xuan – Tieu My
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