Thứ 4, Ngày 01/04/2009, 04:35
New Singaporean Embassador to visit Binh Duong
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BEGIC - April 1, Chairman of provincial People’s Committee Mr.Nguyen Hoang Son had a courtesy meeting with the new Ambassador of Singapore – H.E. Wong Wie Kuen upon his new term in Vietnam at Binh Duong’s People’s Committee Office.
At the meeting, Chairman Nguyen Hoang Son informed the Ambassador on the investment of Singaporean investors in Binh Duong province: currently there were more than 100 projects with the total capital of 714 million US dollars. Most of the projects invested into Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park. Facing the current global economic crisis, Singapore’s remaining investment into Binh Duong province has proved the good relationship between Binh Duong and Singapore.
H.E. Ambassador informed that the reports on Binh Duong’s development took interest of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew – Singaporean Minister Mentor and the Singaporean enterprises have deep belief in the development potential of Binh Duong province.
Hoang Pham
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