Thứ 5, Ngày 11/06/2009, 03:47
Enterprises of Replublic of France to explore the investment environment of Binh Duong
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BEGIC - June 11, Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee Mr. Nguyen Hoang Son received the delegation of MEDEF International (French business confederation), led by French Ambassador in Vietnam – Mr. Herve Bolot, coming to Binh Duong to visit and explore the business cooperation between France and Binh Duong.
At the meeting, Chairman Nguyen Hoang Son introduced the accomplishments achieved in Binh Duong province in 2008: provincial GDP increased of 14.8% in 2007, foreign investment reached about $2 billions/ year. Currently, there had been more than 1800 FDI projects with total investment of $11 billions. 27 industrial parks have been developed with infrastructure (electricity, water, road…) available for investment.
Totally, there had been 19 French projects with total investment of $82 millions. Some major industries may include: investment in manufacturing components for the electronics industry, aerospace, telecommunications ...

The Ambassador was very pleased with the achievement of Binh Duong, which created a very favorable environment for French businesses to explore investment opportunities in many sectors such as construction, transport, etc.
Hoang Pham
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