Thứ 2, Ngày 07/05/2012, 06:41
Trade- Industry Ministry worked in Binh Duong
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BEGIC - May 07th, at Binh Duong office, the delegation of Ministry of Industry and Trade led by Vice-Chairwoman Ho Thi Kim Thoa paid a working session with Binh Duong People’s Committee Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Liem on stabilizing the price of essential goods throughout the province in 2011 and during the Tet Holiday of new lunar year 2012, year of Dragon.
According to the report of Binh Duong Department of Industry and Trade, from May 19th, 2011 to March 31st, 2012, the Department in coordination with the related departments, services, districts, towns and enterprises implemented strictly the solutions in order to stabilize the price of essential goods in the market such as food, medication, textbook, notebook, things for school… Total cost about 608 billion VND and123 billion VND of loan with the preferential interest (0%) for 8 enterprise participants. The disbursement accounted 72.4% the plan, equivalent to 89 billion VND.
Medication, one of the stabilized goods under expectation because of the spirit of “foreign drug lover” of mostly consumers (illustrated photo)
In the occasion of Lunar year holiday 2012, the essentials goods are ensured despite of the high price. The total revenue of enterprises participanting the price stabilization campaign exceeded of 313 billion dong (85% of plan), among them, Vinatext Mart (52.5/50 million dong equivalent to105% of plan), Metro Cash & Carry hypermarket (105% of plan). At the towns and districts were well prepared goods for the Tet in the market and 1,230 mobile market places.
Generally, the stabilization of goods in the whole province in 2011 and during Tet 2012 was implemented under the Resolution 11/NQ-CP of the Government on principal solutions aiming to control the inflation, stabilizing the marcro-economy, ensure the social security and the provincial plan of stabilizing the market in favour to local people before and after the Holiday.
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