Thứ 4, Ngày 06/05/2009, 08:43
Malaysian Ambassador visits Binh Duong province
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BEGIC - May 05, Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee Binh Duong Mr. Nguyen Hoang Son received the visit of Ms. Lim Kim Eng – Malaysia Ambassador and Mr. Khairi Omar – Malaysia General Consulate in Hochiminh City to Binh Duong province.
On behalf of the delegation, Ms. Lim thanked to the warm welcome of the provincial leaders. She hoped the provincial leaders would support Malaysian firms to promptly fulfill the on-going projects. In addition, she expected for the cooperation between Malaysia and Binh Duong in developing education, as Binh Duong had many advantages for educational development such as rich land bank, provincial policies, etc.
On behalf of provincial leaders, Chairman Nguyen Hoang Son promised to create the most favorable conditions for the projects to be completed. He also expected Ms Lim to introduce of Binh Duong to many Malaysian enterprises who would like to invest in economy and education.
Hoang Pham
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