BEGIC - March 27 - Implementing external relations program of Party Central Committee, direction of Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; extending and strengthening international relations, at Minh Sang Plaza, Standing Committee of Binh Duong Youth Union received the delegation of Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) visited Binh Duong...
BEGIC - Just from the beginning of the year, departments and localities focused to deploy the planned targets and proposed budget for 2011; to implement Prime Minister’s instructions on stabilizing the macro- economy, containing inflation, ensuring the balances in the supply and demand of goods and service, price control, enhancing production and ensuring social security. Socio-economic situ...
BEGIC - Mar 9, at Binh Duong People's Committee's Hall, Chairman of the People's Committee’s Mr. Le Thanh Cung met with General Director of Redriver Asset Management Co., Ltd - Mr. Susilo Gani Tandjung and spoke about the project for the worker's accommodation investment and construction at VSIP II.
BEGIC - March 1st , At his office at Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Mr. Le Thanh Cung received the representative of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry who came to visit and explore the investment environment of Binh Duong.
BEGIC - February 25, Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee Mr. Le Thanh Cung and Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee Mr. Tran Thanh Liem received and worked with Heads of Vietnam Overseas Missions (2010 – 2013), led by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affair Mr. Nguyen Quoc Cuong.
BEGIC - February 24, at Binh Duong Politics School, Institute of Administration and Politics Zone 2 in coordination with Ho Chi Minh Economics University and Binh Duong People’s Committee hold “South- East region sustainable development in the context of current international integration” scientific seminar. Vice Chairman Tran Van Nam attended and gave his welcome speech. Partici...
BEGIC - The objectives of the plan is to increase production value of rural industries in the province in the period of 2011-2020 with the average growth rate of 5% - 6% annually, among them the period of 2011-2015 increases by 5.02% per year, period 2016-2020 increases by 6.19% per year. Rural agricultural production value to 2015 estimated to achieve 6,224 billion VN dongs, to 2020 achieve 8,403...
BEGIC - January 27, Today the Resolution on the establishment of Thuan An Town and its Wards was released at Becamex Integrated Township in Thuan An (Go Cat, Lai Thieu district, Thuan An town) together with the New Year Celebration. Participating in the ceremony were Secretary of Provincial Party Committee Mai The Trung, representatives of Ministry of Interior in Hochiminh City, leader...
BEGIC - January 21, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Mr. Le Thanh Cung received the delegation of European Business Association in Vietnam and some European firms. The delegation, headed by Mr. Alain Carry - President of EBA, came to exchange greeting and to explore the investment environment in Binh Duong province.
During the closing session of the 11th National Party Congress held yesterday, delegates approved the Resolution of the Congress. Here are some extracts