Industrial Clusters
Thứ 7, Ngày 10/12/2016, 12:00
Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park
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-    Investor: Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park joint Stock Company
-     Address: Hamlet 4, Khanh Binh commune, Tan Uyen district, Binh Duong province
-    Tel: (0274) 3 652 326 – (0274) 3 652 330
-    Fax: (274) 3 652 325 – (0274) 3 652 327
-    E-mail:
Investment/ business license No. 4603000142 issued on June 14th, 2010 (the 6th amended) by Binh Duong Department of Planning and Investment.
-    Registered business: IP infrastructure investment and construction; civil, industrial, hydraulic, transport, bridge and road construction; land leveling, housing business, renting office, warehouse, workshop, ports; restaurant and hotels; waste, waste water collection and treatment; waste water sample analyses.
-    Decision No. 1717/TTg-CN dated November17th, 2004 of the Prime Minister.
-    Investment certificate: Decision No.5297/QD-UBND dated October 24th, 2005 of Binh Duong People’s Committee on establishing and approving the investment construction and technical infrastructure business project of Nam Tan Uyen IP in Binh Duong province.
-    Decision of Master plan No. 2169/QD-BXD dated November 22nd, 2005 of Ministry of Construction; Decision No. 1308/ QD-UBND dated May 06th, 2010 on approving the amendment of the detail plan at the rate 1/2000 of Nam Tan Uyen IP in Tan Uyen district, Binh Duong province.
Type of land
Area (ha)
Percentage (%)
Land for industrial factory
Land for public service center
Land for technical infrastructure center
Land for green space
Land for transport
-    IP Address: Hamlet 4, Khanh Binh commune, Tan Uyen district, Binh Duong province, Vietnam.
-     Location on the axe of road DT 746 and DT 747 with the cross section of 38 meters for 06 vehicle lands; 30km from Cat Lai port, 16 km from Song Than port, 06km from Thanh Phuoc river port, 28 km from Ho Chi Minh City, 32km from Tan Son Nhat airport, 13km from national Highway 13, 06km from Binh Duong new
-      Total capital: 335
-     billion VND
-       Industrial land for rent: 655.59 ha
-       Technical infrastructure: completed
-       Waste water plant: capacity 16,000 m3 per day
-       Operation time : 2007
-       Total implemented capital: 1,107.331 billion VND
-       Renting area: 333.23 ha; occupancy rate: 50.82%

- Decision No.974/QD-BTNMT dated Apr 8, 2004 by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on the approval of the EIA report


+ Processing of agricultural products, production of cattle and poultry food;

 + Processing industries serving agricultural development, mechanical engineering, farm machinery and equipment, fertilizers, rubber products;

 + Production of consumer goods for domestic trade and export, such as garments, wood processing, household appliances, plastic products, all kinds of packaging;

 + Production of building materials, such as mining of kaolin, production of ceramic tiles, interior decoration materials, structural frames, roofing, cover sheets.

-       Decision No. 1285/TTg-KCN dated July 29th, 2009 of the Prime Ministeron establishment the Nam Tan Uyen extended IP.
-       Decision of Master plan No. 1307/QD-BXD dated May 06th, 2010 of Binh Duong People’s Committee on approving the amendment of the detail plan at the rate 1/2000 of Nam Tan Uyen IP in Tan Uyen district, Binh Duong province.
-       IP Address: Hoi Nghia bourg, Tan Uyen district, Binh Duong province, Vietnam.
-       Geographic location on the axe of road DT 746 and DT 747 with the cross section of 38 meters for 06 vehicle lands; 32km from Cat Lai port, 18 km from Song Than ICD port, 08 km from Thanh Phuoc river port, 30 km from Ho Chi Minh City, 34km from Tan Son Nhat airport, 19 km from Song Than railway station, 08 km from Binh Duong new.
-       Total capital: 491 billion VND.
-       Industrial land for rent: 200.75 ha, service land: 8.8 ha.
-       Technical infrastructure: constructing.
-       Waste water plant: constructing.
-       Renting area: 8.6 ha; occupancy rate: 4.3%.
-       Renting land price (reference): 36-42 USD/ m2 excluding management fee.​

- Decision No.2118/QD-BTNMT dated Sep 11, 2010 by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on the approval of the EIA report


+ Mechanical projects: metallurgy, production of tools, spare parts, equipment; production of equipment, machinery serving agricultural and industrial production; manufacture of automobiles and motorcycles; outsource and assembly of special machinery and equipment; casting, rolling and drawing of metals;

   + Projects of food processing and beverages: processing of vegetables, fruits, grains and other agricultural products; processing of dairy, cattle and poultry products; processing of aquatic and seafood; industrial catering; confectioneries; all kinds of snack food, beer, soft drinks, and all kinds of pure water;

   + Projects of building materials: concrete structures, drains, artificial drain for foundation treatment; baked tunnel bricks; marble, granite, pigment;

   + Projects of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics: production of cosmetics; drugs for people and poultry (including oriental and new medicines); production and processing of biological products;

   + Projects of textiles (un-dyed) and garments: manufacture of garments, leathers (not tanning), faux leather, manufacture of textiles (un-dyed);

  + Other projects: assembly of electronic products, printing, packaging and related services; production of handicrafts, wood processing and wood products; production of metal structures, tanks, reservoirs and boilers; production of plastics, domestic and high-end aluminum products; production of paper and packaging from pulp or used papers; production of technological products; production of children's toys; support services for operations of industrial parks such as office rental, banking, postal, telecommunications, storage (including cold storage), warehouse, transportation, delivery, catering, commercial cleaning, collection and transportation of solid wastes, hazardous wastes to thorough treatment places outside the industrial parks.

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Industrial Clusters