Thứ 7, Ngày 29/06/2024, 10:00
Binh Duong: Socio – economic achieves many positive results
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PORTAL – On the morning of June 28th, in Thu Dau Mot city, the Provincial Statistics Department held a press conference to announce statistics on the province's socio-economic situation in the first 6 months of 2024. 

Reporting at the conference, Mr. Ngo Van Mit – Director of the Provincial Statistics Department said that in the first 6 months of 2024, in the context of the world economy gradually recovering, it still faces difficulties and challenges, continuing to greatly affect the socio-economic development of the country in general and of Binh Duong province in particular. 

The overview of the press conference

However, with the effort of the political system and the joint efforts and consensus of the people and the business community in the area, the socio-economic situation of the province has achieved many positive results in most fields. 

Specially, the Gross Domestic Product (GRDP) in the first 6 months of 2024 increased by 6.19% over the same period in 2023. It is estimated that the export turnover of goods reached 16,3 billion US dollars, up to 10.3% and imports were 11,5 billion US dollars, up 9.9% compared to the same period. Investment capital for the development of the whole society is estimated at 68,900 billion VND, up 6.8% over the same period. State budget revenue reached 26,830 billion VND, achieving 56% of the plan in 2024, increasing 13.4% at the same period. 

Mr. Ngo Van Mit – Director of the Provincial Statistics Department announces statistics on the province's socio-economic situation in the 6 months of 2024

The survey results of the Statistics Department also pointed out certain limitations and difficulties such as the progress of disbursement of public investment capital, the real estate market is still inactive, which has led to a decrease in some production sectors, raw material consumption markets, etc. have not stimulated economic growth in other sectors. Credit growth is still low, only reaching 2.5% of outstanding balance growth compared to the target of 15% of outstanding balance in 2024. This shows that there is no shortage of capital, but the demand for loans for production and business of enterprises is not there. This is the reason why many businesses have not had new orders and plans to expand production. Meanwhile, many small businesses need to borrow capital but do not meet all the conditions for borrowing. 

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