Thứ 7, Ngày 27/04/2024, 10:00
Binh Duong: Improved and enhanced administrative reform index
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PORTAL – On the afternoon of April 26, at Thu Dau Mot City, the People's Committee of Binh Duong province organized a conference to announce the administrative reform index in 2023 of departments, and branches, the People's Committee of districts and communes. Mr. Mai Hung Dung – Member of the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) presided at the conference. 

​Many departments, branches, and localities have made a breakthrough

At the conference, Mr. Ly Van Dep – Deputy Director of the Home Affairs Department reported the results of the administrative reform index in 2023. At the departmental level, the average index result reached 85.41%, which increased by 1.1% in 2022 and up to 1.86% in 2021. There were 07/19 units with excellent scores of 90% or higher. With 93.75 points, the Information and Communication Department ranked first, followed by the Culture, Sports and Tourism Department, the Home Affairs Department, the Construction Department, the Health Department, the Agriculture and Rural Development Department …

The district-level administrative reform index has an average value of 91.98%, up 4.09% compared to 2022, of which 06 units achieved excellent; and 03 good rating units. This is the first year that 100% of district-level units achieved good results, with scores above 80%. Thu Dau Mot City scored 97.68 points, leading the district-level administrative reform Index in 2023; Tan Uyen City rose to second place, followed by Di An City, Ben Cat Town, and Thuan An City.


Overview of the conference

The administrative reform index of communes, wards, and townships in the province has an average value of 92.12%, an increase of 2.48% compared to 2022 and 69/91 units achieved excellent scores. Hiep Thanh Ward (Thu Dau Mot City) leads with a score of 99.09 points, followed by Phu Tho, Chanh My, Phu Hoa, Phu My, Phu Loi, Hoa Phu, Phu Cuong, Dinh Hoa, Phu Tan, Hiep An, Tan An, Tuong Binh Hiep, Chanh Nghia, etc.


Delegates attend the conference

Through the results of the administrative reform index in 2023, many departments, branches, and localities have made efforts to perform well the administrative reform work, the roles and responsibilities of the leader are promoted, directly monitoring and directing the administrative reform work. The units have made outstanding achievements in directing and implementing administrative reform tasks such as the Department of Finance (up 9 places), Department of Information and Communications (up 7 places), Di An City (up 4 places), Thuan An City (up 4 places), People's Committee of Thoi Hoa ward – Ben Cat (up 63 places), An Binh ward – Di An (up 55 places), Tan Dong Hiep ward – Di An (up 53 places), Chanh My ward – Thu Dau Mot (up 47 places). In particular, Thu Dau Mot City has been the unit leading the district administrative reform index ranking for 10 consecutive years with results always reaching over 90% and increasing gradually over the years. At the same time, this year, 14/14 wards of Thu Dau Mot City achieved high achievements, leading the commune level.

Having these positive results, the provincial administrative reform index reached 87.64/100 points, ranked 24/63 provinces and cities, up 2.86 points, up 11 places (in 2022, ranked 35/63 provinces and cities); in which, 6/8 component indexes increased, 2/8 component indexes decreased.

Solutions to maintain and improve the Administrative Reform Index

The conference focused on analyzing and evaluating the achieved results, shortcomings, limitations, and lessons learned in the process of organizing the implementation of administrative reform tasks of departments, branches, and localities in 2023, based on that, it continued to set out specific tasks to improve the results of the index in 2024.

In 2023, the Department of Information and Communications made many administrative reform efforts associated with digital transformation, creating favorable conditions for people to carry out administrative procedures. Mr. Nguyen Huu Yen - Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communications said that the Department has focused on innovating working practices, changing modern management methods, based on promoting the application of information technology in the agency's operations; building digital government and e-government by the provincial roadmap.


Mr. Nguyen Huu Yen - Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communications discussed at the conference

The technical infrastructure for IT applications and digital transformation at agencies is invested in synchronous upgrades, meeting the requirements of ensuring information security, ensuring technical conditions, and providing applications to serve people and businesses. Having built a centralized database connecting data of ministries and branches through the Information Center for direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister; data connection between 18/18 departments, committees, and branches, and 4/6 verticals of the province. Integrating at the Center for Smart Monitoring and Administration more than 1,000 directing indicators and data of 18/18 departments, committees, and branches; 9/9 IOC soft districts, towns, and cities; decentralization of 91/91 communes, wards, and townships.

The Department regularly reviews and announces administrative procedures promptly. Developing internal processes to deal with administrative procedures for the field of the Department. Reviewing and simplifying 02/37 administrative procedures, contributing to reducing the number of working days, and saving legal compliance costs for people when carrying out administrative procedures.

From November 2022, Binh Duong has implemented the consolidation of the Online Public Service Portal with the Provincial Electronic One-Stop Information System into the Information System for Administrative Procedure Settlement of Binh Duong Province. As the standing agency for digital transformation, the Department has pioneered in piloting the use of the Information System for handling administrative procedures in Binh Duong province. 100% of the public administration procedures of the Department are provided online, full degree, and online payment.

Administrative procedures are reviewed, interactive electronic forms are built to support automatic information filling; integrated notification channels on the status of application processing such as messages, Binh Duong Digital application, Zalo of Binh Duong SmartCity; integrated the connection of the national database on population to support identification; dossiers are digitized results of handling administrative procedures into electronic data warehouses of individuals, organizations, etc.


Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC Mai Hung Dung gave a directive speech at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC assessed that in 2023, with the efforts of departments, committees, branches, districts, towns, cities, communes, wards, and townships in administrative reform work, it has contributed to creating a driving force for socio-economic development.

The Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC asked departments, committees, branches, districts, towns, cities, communes, wards, and townships to focus on effectively implementing solutions to maintain and improve the component indicators with high scores; review and accurately evaluate limitations and weaknesses to have solutions to overcome the content of decreasing points, achieving low scores for indicators.

Strengthening the examination and reviewing of legal documents, promptly detecting and proposing competent authorities to handle overlapping, contradictory, illegal, expired, or no longer suitable regulations of the province's socio-economic development conditions and situation.

Focusing on digitizing records and results of the administrative center settlement, integrating data at agencies and units on the provincial data warehouse to serve and share with agencies and units in the management and settlement of the administrative center. Organizing digital transformation training for officials and civil servants and the Community Digital Technology Team.

Continuing to pay attention to the good implementation of the one-stop, one-stop mechanism at all 3 levels, improving the operational efficiency of the provincial-level Public Administration Center, the district-level Public Administration Service Center, and the commune-level one-stop in a modern and professional direction.

On this occasion, 27 collectives and 37 individuals with achievements in administrative reform work in 2023 received the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the PPC.


Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC Mai Hung Dung awarded the Certificate of Merit from the PPC to collectives with excellent achievements in the implementation of the administrative reform index in 2023


Leader of the Department of Home Affairs awarded Certificates of Merit from the PPC to individuals with outstanding achievements in implementing and scoring the administrative reform index in 2023

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