Thứ 6, Ngày 31/03/2023, 18:00
Set of Criteria for selecting investors to build technical infrastructure of industrial clusters in Binh Duong province
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PORTAL – The Provincial People's Committee (PPC) promulgates a set of criteria for selecting investors to build technical infrastructure of industrial clusters in the province.

The specific set of Criteria is as follows:

No.Content of criteriaMax pointsNote

Competence and experience of the enterprise or cooperative requesting to be the investor

(max 30 points) 

1.1Experience as an investor in construction and business of technical infrastructure10

Having evidence and documents proving that he/she has worked as an investor in construction and business of technical infrastructure  (Providing relevant documents, including: Investment Certificate, Business Registration Certificate; Decision on investment policy of housing area, other documents related to project performance) or participated in the management and business of technical infrastructure of industrial zones and industrial clusters; Experience in managing or working as an investor in an urban construction project, which is operating effectively, will get max points.

The more experience as an investor, management experience or participating in managing more industrial parks, industrial clusters, projects and works, the more priority will be given to selection when enterprises and cooperatives have the same points.

1.2Participating in the management and business of technical infrastructure of industrial parks and industrial clusters5
1.3Experience in managing or working as an investor in urban construction projects 



1.4Competence and experience of managers, technicians, environmental managers of enterprises/cooperatives



Having evidence proving that the operational apparatus has a team of managers and technicians who have experience in managing construction investment projects or managing the exploitation and operation of technical infrastructure of industrial zones and clusters or equivalent technical infrastructure (at least 02 officers) will get max points.

Financial plan for investment in technical infrastructure

(max 40 points) 

2.1Plan to mobilize and allocate capital according to the schedule of infrastructure investment in industrial clusters10Having a feasible plan to mobilize and allocate capital, suitable to the schedule of infrastructure investment (max: 10 points, good: 8 points, average: 5 points)
2.2Financial statements and documents proving the source of equity for performing investment projects to build technical infrastructure of industrial clusters20

Combination of 2 criteria:

- Having profitable financial statements for the last 2 years (which has been independently audited), will get 08 points, unprofitable financial statements will get 02 points.

- Equity: Investor has capital under his/herownership to implement the project not less than 20% of the total investment for projects with a land use scale of less than 20ha; not less than 15% of the total investment for projects with a land use scale of 20ha or more (according to Clause 2, Article 14 of the Government's Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP dated May 15, 2014 detailing the implementation of the Land Law). Scoring method:

Ensuring as required: 8 points

1 to 1.5 times greater than required: 10 points

+ 1.5 times or more than required: 12 points

2.3Commitment to financial support of the parent company or commitment to financial support of the financial institution, guarantee on the financial capacity of the investor



Having proof of financial support from the parent company or commitment of financial support or guarantee from a financial institution to perform the project, specifically:

From 30-50% of total investment: 5 points

From 50-80% of total investment or more: 8 points

From 80% of total investment or more: 10 points


Investment plan to build technical infrastructure

(max 15 points)

3.1Investment plan to build a system of technical infrastructure works for industrial clusters4Analyzing and selecting investment plans to build a system of technical infrastructure works that are satisfactory, feasible and practical. Determining the current status of the land area and connecting technical infrastructure for the project to come into operation, proposing investment plans for technical infrastructure inside and outside the industrial cluster (max: 4 points, good: 3 points, average: 2 points)
3.2Plan for site clearance and resettlement support (if any)7

Report on analyzing and evaluating the feasibility of the plan for site clearance and resettlement support (if any) (max: 7 points, good: 5 points, average: 3 points).

Priority points: Investor with land use rights from 30% of the total project area or more will get max points.

3.3Project performance schedule and ability to mobilize resources (human, machinery, equipment, etc.) to perform investment projects on technical infrastructure of industrial clusters4Project performance schedule is consistent with the reality and ability to mobilize resources (human, machinery, equipment, etc.) to perform investment projects on technical infrastructure of industrial clusters (max: 4 points, good: 3 points, average: 2 points)

Plan for management and protection of the environment

(max 15 points)

4.1Plan and schedule for attracting investment, relocating projects, production and business establishments to industrial clusters10

- Investor who has a relocation plan for enterprises outside industrial zones and clusters in the Southern part of the province will get 10 points.

- Investors who mobilize to attract manufacturing enterprises in the supporting industry sector will get 8 points.

Proof documents: Memorandum of Agreements, Commitments, etc.

4.2Plans for environmental management and protection3Having a plan to reduce the environmental impacts. Analyzing and forecasting waste sources and environmental impacts of industries expected to attract investment in industrial clusters (max: 3 points, good: 2 points, average: 1 point).
4.3Plan for management and exploitation of industrial clusters2 Developing a plan for management, operation, maintenance and ensuring regular operation of the system of common technical infrastructure works of the industrial clusters and providing services and utilities in industrial clusters as prescribed will get max points. 

* Note:

- In case there is 1 enterprise or cooperative, it must ensure 50 points or more to be selected as the investor.

- In case there are 02 enterprises or cooperatives or more (must ensure 50 points or more), the enterprise or cooperative with the highest points will be selected as the investor. 

- If the units have the same points, the Investor Selection Evaluation Council shall report to the PPC for consideration and decision.

Reported by Doan Trang​- Translated by Thanh Tam

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