Thứ 3, Ngày 21/09/2021, 15:00
Timely supporting enterprises to restore production
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​PORTAL - On the morning of September 20, in Hanoi, the Government Office in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Planning and Investment held an teleconference with 28 provinces and cities with many industrial parks, economic zones, export processing zones, high-tech parks and industrial clusters to remove difficulties and support enterprises to restore production in the near future.

​​At Binh Duong bridge point, there were Mr. Vo Van Minh - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; leaders of a number of departments, committees, branches and enterprises.

Maintaining the "green zone" in the enterprise

As reported by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, by the end of August 2021, the entire country has 563 industrial parks, 19 coastal economic zones, 26 border gate economic zones, 03 hi-tech parks attracting about 10,963 projects with foreign direct investment (FDI), total registered capital reaches 230 billion USD; 10,195 projects with domestic direct investment (DDI), total registered capital is about 2.54 million billion VND.

Overcoming difficulties and impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, in the first 8 months of the year, production and business activities of industrial parks and coastal economic zones continued to develop, creating jobs for nearly 4 million employees, an increase of about 90,000 employees compared to the end of 2020.

Total revenue of enterprises in industrial parks and coastal economic zones reached about 140 billion USD, up 8% over the same period; export turnover reached about 100.7 billion USD, up 2.9%, accounting for 47.5% of total export turnover of the country; contributed about 96.5 trillion VND to the state budget, up 2.5% over the same period in 2020.


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Overview of the conference at Binh Duong bridge point

Regarding industrial cluster development, up to now, the entire country has 968 industrial clusters with a total area of about 30,900 ha. Of which, there are 730 clusters in operation, attracting about 13,500 production and business investment projects, the occupancy rate of 63%, creating jobs for over 580,500 employees.

Actively responding to the pandemic, enterprises in industrial parks, export processing zones, economic zones and industrial clusters have developed effective pandemic prevention and control plans. However, most enterprises face difficulties in their operations due to disruptions and interruptions in the global supply chain, causing a lack of input supply and output markets; the recruitment and retention of employees, and the handling of immigration and exit procedures by experts still have many shortcomings. In addition, many provinces and cities have inadequately guided pandemic prevention and control or rigidly applied pandemic prevention and control measures, causing serious disruption to the production, consumption and export supply chains of enterprises. Activities to support workers and employees, especially support for accommodation, have not been synchronized, causing difficulties in pandemic control, etc.

Affirming that the Government always steadfastly implements the "dual goal" and will devote all efforts to control the pandemic by the end of 2021 when the vaccination schedule is accelerated and community immunity is achieved in the 2nd quarter of 2022, Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh requested Ministries, branches, localities and enterprises to strengthen coordination and organize the effective implementation of mechanisms and policies of the Central Government. Depending on the local situation, enterprises actively develop production plans, especially with solutions to control and prevent the pandemic from spreading in industrial parks, export processing zones, economic zones and industrial clusters.

At the same time, localities soon organize conferences to grasp and implement the spirit of production recovery, guide enterprises to build production recovery plans, ensure the circulation of goods, control the pandemic, maintain the "green zone" in the enterprises; continue to control the pandemic situation well, to prevent new outbreaks from arising.

The Ministry of Health advises the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 prevention and control to prioritize vaccines for workers and employees in enterprises; strengthen guidance, help localities in identifying and building "green zones" for production recovery.

The Ministry of Transport continues to inspect, examine and remove difficulties in goods circulation, minimizing goods congestion.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates with relevant Ministries and branches to renew processes, remove difficulties and create favorable conditions for the entry of experts.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has solutions to support enterprises for production recovery after the pandemic.

Binh Duong supports enterprises to restore production

Particularly in Binh Duong province, over the past time, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the province's industrial production activities in the 3rd quarter of 2021 have slowed down and decreased compared to the first months of the year. The index of industrial production (IIP) in September 2021 increased by 3.15% compared to the previous month. Accumulating 9 months of 2021, the IIP is estimated to increase by 4.87% over the same period.

Facing the complicated situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the province has maintained production and business activities in eligible places according to the principle of "safety is to produce, production must be safe", accordingly, only enterprises that ensure safety in pandemic prevention and control are allowed to operate in accordance with the regulations and instructions of the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health. At the same time, it has made every effort to protect and create conditions for enterprises to implement "3 on the spot", "01 roads, 02 locations" to be able to continue production. As of September 18, 2021, in the province, there are 3,197 enterprises registered and operating under the "3 on the spot", "01 road, 02 locations", "3 green" plans for 264,621 employees.


Enterprises well organize the "3 on the spot" plan, both to prevent the pandemic and to produce and develop the economy

Besides, in order to support the pandemic prevention and control for enterprises carrying out "3 on-the-spot" production, the province has directed the Department of Industry and Trade, the provincial Industrial Zones authority to coordinate with the Department of Health to organize many campaigns of testing, tracing, reviewing and removing F0, ensuring the production and deployment of large-scale vaccination for all employees in enterprises in industrial parks and industrial clusters. Up to now, Binh Duong has organized Covid-19 testing for 133,995 employees and administered 150,673 doses of Covid-19 vaccine to employees in the essential goods distribution system; trade associations and enterprises in industrial parks and industrial clusters.


Vaccinating workers and employees in industrial parks

Currently, in the context that the pandemic situation of the province has been gradually controlled and changed positively, Binh Duong has implemented new models such as "3 green" (green factory, green boarding house, green worker), "flexible 03 on-the-spot" which are expected to help enterprises reduce the cost burden of maintaining supply chains after a long period of social distancing, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to maintain production activities and ensure safe production conditions, contributing to creating jobs and ensuring the lives of employees.

As of September 15, Binh Duong has 06/09 districts, towns and cities that have announced "green zones", returning to the new normal. The Provincial People's Committee has promulgated a plan to restore socio-economic activities in the new normal after the period of social distancing, focusing on implementing 05 groups of tasks to support enterprises to restore production including: Credit support, implementation of tax policies - social insurance, policies on labor, market access, reorganization of production and business activities according to a specific roadmap.

Provincial departments and branches will continue to implement policies to support enterprises in terms of debt rescheduling, exemption and reduction of interest and fees, and keeping the debt group unchanged; extending the deadline for paying value added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land tax in 2021. At the same time, continuing to make statistics on the labor situation, handle and solve labor problems in enterprises and have solutions to encourage the employees' morale; promoting investment attraction, supporting enterprises to recover after the distancing, especially small and medium enterprises.


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Workers at enterprises implementing "3 on-the-spot" production

In addition, the province will implement other specific supports promulgated in Resolution no. 11/2021/NQ-HDND dated September 14, 2021 of the Provincial People's Council on standard level of allowances, social assistance and policies for some specific social protection beneficiaries in the province; Decree no. 80/2021/ND-CP detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the law supporting small and medium enterprises; Resolution no. 105/NQ-CP dated September 09, 2021 on support for enterprises, cooperatives and business households in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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