Thứ 7, Ngày 11/09/2021, 15:00
Closing the second Meeting - the 10th Provincial People's Council: Adopting 17 important resolutions
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​PORTAL - After a serious and urgent working day, on the afternoon of September 10, the second Meeting - the 10th Provincial People's Council held a Closing session.

The meeting conducted an additional election for the position of Member of the Provincial People's Committee. As a result, with the approval votes of 69/69 deputies present, reaching 98.57% of the total number of the Provincial People's Council deputies (70 deputies), Mr. Ngu​yen Tam Duong - Chief of the Provincial People's Committee Office was elected as Member of the 10th Provincial People's Committee, 2021-2026 tenure.

Provincial leaders present flowers to congratulate Mr. Nguyen Tam Duong - Chief of the Provincial People's Committee Office on being elected as Member of the Provincial People's Committee

Deputies voted to adopt 17 Draft resolutions. In which, there are Resolutions on operation regulations and meeting rules of the Provincial People's Council; supervision program of the Provincial People's Council in 2022; public investment; the list of land acquisition; the naming of roads in Tan Uyen Town, Thu Dau Mot City, etc. In addition, the Meeting adopted the Resolutions on: the rate of collection, the mode of collection, payment, management and use of fees for selection and recognition of first-generation trees; seeds and forestry seedling garden in Binh Duong province; support regime for population - family planning in Binh Duong province; the rate of policy support for preschool educational development in Binh Duong province; standard rate of subsidies, social assistance and social protection beneficiaries in Binh Duong province. In particular, the meeting adopted a Resolution on tuition fees for the 2021-2022 school year. Accordingly, the rate of tuition fees for the 2021-2022 school year does not increase compared to the tuition fees for the 2020-2021 school year, at the same time not collecting tuition fees for the first semester (from September to December 2021) for public educational institutions (preschool education, general education and continuing education) in the province in order to contribute to reducing difficulties for people before the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Resolutions adopted at the meeting will create favorable conditions and serve as a legal basis for the Provincial People's Committee to carry out the tasks, meet the requirements of socio-economic development and maintain national defense and security of the province.


Deputies vote to approve draft Resolutions using technology application

Speaking to close the Meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Pham Van Chanh affirmed that the second Meeting of the 10th Provincial People's Council took place successfully. Immediately after the meeting, the Provincial People's Council requested all levels and branches in the entire political system and people in the province to continue to unite, make efforts, join forces to prevent and control the pandemic, and take care of social security; absolutely not be subjective and negligent. At the same time, being responsible, innovative, creative and drastic in the method of directing, operating and effectively organizing the implementation of socio-economic development tasks of the locality; effectively implementing the "post-Covid-19" growth scenario, promptly removing difficulties and obstacles, especially the supply chain of raw materials and labor for enterprises to stabilize production as soon as the pandemic is under control. The deputies of the Provincial People's Council perform the task of contacting voters according to the law to report on the results of the meeting and listen to the voters' thoughts and aspirations; through which to learn and grasp the actual situation of the people's social life in the area.


Mr. Pham Van Chanh - Chairman of the Provincial People's Council speaks to close the Meeting

Chairman of the Provincial People's Council believed that, with the sense of responsibility of the Provincial People's Council deputies; the closeness and dynamism in direction and administration and the high and drastic concentration of the Provincial People's Committee, the activeness and responsibility of all levels and branches and the consensus of the entire people, the province's socio-economic will achieve good results in 2021, creating a premise for the successful implementation of the 5-year plan (2021-2025).

Reported by Phuong Chi - Quoc Chien - Translated by Nguyen Trang​

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