Thứ 2, Ngày 06/09/2021, 19:00
Applying Directive 15+ in "green zone" districts
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​PORTAL - The Provincial People's Committee directs the implementation of measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 pandemic in the "green zone" districts.

Accordingly, currently, the districts of Bau Bang, Dau Tieng and Phu Giao have announced the "green zone" commune; Bac Tan Uyen district is eligible to announce the "green zone" commune.

In order to continue carrying out the Covid-19 prevention and control in association with bringing life back to the "new normal", assigning the People's Committees of Bau Bang, Dau Tieng, Phu Giao and Bac Tan Uyen districts, based on the actual local situation, to proactively apply appropriate administrative measures.  It is possible to consider applying measures to limit mass gatherings in the spirit of Directive no. 15/CT-TTg dated March 27, 2021 of the Prime Minister more strictly (referred to as Applying "Directive 15+").

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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