Thứ 2, Ngày 06/09/2021, 19:00
From September 06, loosening social distancing for 04 Northern districts of the province
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​PORTAL - On the morning of September 05, at the Administrative Center of Binh Duong Province, Mr. Nguyen Van Loi - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee chaired an online meeting to propose a circulation plan in the "green zone" with districts of Dau Tieng, Bau Bang, Phu Giao, Bac Tan Uyen and Ben Cat town.

​​Attending were Mr. Vo Van Minh - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and members of the Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 prevention and control.

Timeline of returning to the new normal

At the meeting, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Loi praised the efforts of greening the area and maintaining the achievements of the "green zone" localities over the past 2 months. The Secretary emphasized: "For those "green zones" that still have red locations, continue to test, not to miss F0. When an outbreak occurs or in an area with a case of F0, it must be locked down and handled immediately, without affecting the neighboring areas. Pandemic control does not mean that there is no pandemic in the area, but in the spirit of proactively preparing all plans, when a situation occurs, localities must have a quick and flexible response, handle it thoroughly, not to spread it".

As for the roadmap to return to the new normal in the "green zone" localities, the Secretary gave 02 timelines. In the period from 06 to 09 September, circulating within the district. From September 10 to 15, the circulation between districts applies flow distribution. At the same time, the Secretary proposed a plan to go to the street for the case who has injected 2 doses of vaccine (granting a green card), the case who has injected 1 dose of vaccine (granting a yellow card and a test certificate), and not to go out for the case who has not injected. At the same time, it is necessary to develop some specific criteria when the "green zone" localities return to the new normal.

The Secretary noted that localities must reorganize their vaccination teams and human resources without waiting for support from the province. Mobilizing in-place forces, retired medical staff, doctors and nurses to participate in vaccination. For the treatment, asking the hospitals to mobilize the recovered F0 to voluntarily return to serve and support. It is mandatory for each ward to have 1-2 Mobile medical stations, especially in the "red zone" to have 3 stations. Organizing better treatment arrangements for patients of tier 1 and 2; especially not to be deprived of oxygen and medicines, must organize a Mobile medical station in new normal conditions. 


Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Loi speaks to direct at the meeting

According to the report, up to now, the districts of Dau Tieng, Bau Bang and Phu Giao have been announced as green zone districts. Particularly in Bac Tan Uyen district, there are 53/54 quarters, hamlets has changed from red, yellow to green, only 1 hamlet is still "yellow zone", 10/10 communes and towns are "green zones", 16 red locations in "green zone" communes.

Reported at the meeting, Mr. Bui Duy Hien - Secretary of the Ben Cat Town Party Committee said that in the town, there were 2 "red zones", 04 "orange zones", 07 "yellow zones" and 31 "green zones", the locality strives to change green by September 09.

Mr. Duong Chi Nam - Deputy Director of the Health Environment Management Agency, Ministry of Health said that localities should advise people to understand that after 2 weeks of vaccination, the body will have antibodies, even with 2 doses, there is still a risk of infection but there will be less risk of death, so people should not be subjective and must strictly follow pandemic prevention and control measures. For vaccination, it is necessary to prepare good logistics, arrange a civil defense force, and an ambulance crew to promptly handle arising problems. In the long run, local support forces will gradually withdraw, thus forcing "green zones" to establish Mobile medical stations. The testing and screening are very important, and should be done regularly at high-risk locations such as supermarkets, bus stations, companies, etc. When there is an outbreak, it is necessary to quickly trace F1. Distributing the flow, strictly controlling the means of transporting goods from other localities, testing again at transit stations, managing work at the points of granting travel certificates, negative testing certificates to avoid negative situations. Implementing Directive 15 or 15+, allowing eateries to open for takeout, etc.

Removing unnecessary checkpoints and barriers

On the basis of determining the area ("green zone", "yellow zone", "orange zone"), the Department of Transport proposes the following modes of circulation in the Northern localities: Inter-district circulation; circulation of "green zone" commune with "green zone" commune, circulation of "green zone" commune with "yellow zone", "orange zone" communes; circulation of "green zone" hamlet with "green zone" hamlet, "green zone" hamlet with "yellow zone", "orange zone" hamlets; circulation of "yellow zone", "orange zone" hamlets with "yellow zone", "orange zone" hamlets.

The organization of circulation on the principle of protecting the "green zone" hamlets, communes and districts; removing unnecessary checkpoints and barriers between the "green zones" (between the hamlet and the bordering hamlet are the "green zones", the commune and the bordering commune are the "green zones") to strengthen forces, arrange checkpoints between "green zone" hamlets and communes and "yellow zone" and "orange zone" hamlets and communes in order to protect and maintain "green zone". Gradually changing the "yellow zone" and "orange zone" in each hamlet and commune into the "green zone" so that vehicles can move from controlled circulation at the checkpoints to circulation under new normal conditions.



Delegates present their opinions in the meeting

Inter-district circulation (between Northern localities): Continuing to arrange Covid-19 checkpoints between regions in the North and other localities in the province and other provinces and cities (Thu Dau Mot City, Tan Uyen Town, Tay Ninh Province, Binh Phuoc, Ho Chi Minh City). Continuing to maintain the current arrangement of Covid-19 checkpoints at the main roads in and out of the Northern localities.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Van Minh requested the localities to thoroughly grasp the direction of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, 04 Northern localities have turned green, especially Ben Cat is determined to turn green the entire area by September 09, which is a great effort, opening a very meaningful new phase. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Northern localities to carry out continuous testing according to the risk level of each locality; continuously screen and maintain the "green zone"; strive in the next 2 days to inject all the vaccines allocated to the "green zone" areas. All "green zones" set up boundary fences with the Southern risk areas to maintain the results, coordinate the appropriate forces, the district leaders must be flexible in setting up the checkpoints; create a green traffic flow from the "red zone" and study the control plan. In the "green zone", calculating and controling travel in accordance with each locality. Localities continue to study and propose more plans for the start of inter-district circulation on September 10. For the application of Directive 15+, assigning each locality to consider and have specific regulations based on the actual situation. From September 06, 04 "green zone" localities including "Dau Tieng, Phu Giao, Bau Bang, Bac Tan Uyen implement Directive 15+, this will be the motivation for the "red zone" areas to try their best to change to the "green zone".

Reported by Yen Nhi - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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