Thứ 7, Ngày 04/09/2021, 22:00
Tan Uyen Town: Supplying and distributing food and foodstuffs through online shopping and "proxy shopping"
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​PORTAL - The People's Committee of Tan Uyen Town promulgates a Plan to supply and distribute food and foodstuffs through online shopping and "proxy shopping" at Bach Hoa Xanh stores while continuing to implement social distancing under Directive 16 and "greening" 07 wards: Tan Vinh Hiep, Tan Hiep, Uyen Hung, Tan Phuoc Khanh, Thai Hoa, Khanh Binh, Hoi Nghia from September 01, 2021 to September 15, 2021.

There are about 394,316 people living and working in 7 wards. Accordingly, the demand in 10 days includes 1,577.3 tons of rice and 3,943.2 tons of food and foodstuffs (food and foodstuffs will be provided in the form of combos, limited to retail by item).

Tan Uyen Town allows the re-operation of the Bach Hoa Xanh store system to serve the purchase and sale of goods in the form of online selling, selling over the phone and the form of volunteers "proxy shopping" (not organizing direct retail at the store).

The People's Committee of the town grants travel certificates for the means of transport and the staff of the Bach Hoa Xanh store and the volunteers of the Youth Union in the residential groups who have performed at least 1 vaccination and had rapid test before returning to supply goods during the time when people are not allowed to leave their homes.

Coordinating with Bach Hoa Xanh to build combos on the online sales page of convenience stores in the town in order to limit retail, reduce the number of deliveries to people, minimize the number of shippers, volunteers go out to deliver.

Providing propaganda leaflets to inform people about the form of online shopping, shopping over the phone or the form of "proxy shopping", sending them to wards to distribute to people and propagate in many forms, helping people know and perform.  

Reported by Yen Nhi - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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