Thứ 7, Ngày 04/09/2021, 22:00
Binh Duong will spend support for recovered F0 to voluntarily participate in pandemic prevention and control
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​PORTAL - The Provincial People's Committee has just approved the policy of spending support for recovered F0 cases to voluntarily participate in pandemic prevention and control at the proposal of the Department of Health.

Accordingly, the support level is spent to encourage recovered F0 to participate in pandemic prevention and control in the province. It is expected that about 1,200 cases of recovered F0 will volunteer to serve the Covid-19 prevention and control. In which, the anti-pandemic allowance is 200,000 VND/person/day for about 800 people serving at medical examination and treatment establishments treating Covid-19 patients and 150,000 VND/person/day for about 400 people serving at concentrated medical quarantine facilities. Support for meals is at the prescribed level of 80,000 VND/person/day.

In addition, support from the mobilization source of voluntary contribution to the Provincial Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front for pandemic prevention and control is 100,000 VND/person/day.

As estimated, the total amount spent to support 1,200 people expected to volunteer in 30 days is about 13 billion VND.

Reported by Yen Nhi - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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