Thứ 5, Ngày 02/09/2021, 18:00
Calculating additional reserve forces to support pandemic prevention and control in "red zone" localities
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​PORTAL - Provincial People's Committee requests departments, committees, branches, People's Committees of districts, towns and cities based on the directive content of the Provincial Party Committee in Notice no. 196-TB/TU dated August 31, 2021, to perform assigned tasks, ensuring the timeliness, efficiency and quality.

Accordingly, agreeing to continue strictly implementing social distancing under Directive 16 across the province from September 01, 2021 to the end of September 15, 2021 in a thorough and strict manner, especially for 15 wards belong to Thuan An, Di An cities and Tan Uyen town.

Currently, the province's force is strengthening in "red zone" localities to provide support, but has not yet responded to the Covid-19 pandemic situation and lacks a reserve force to replace the previous support force. To solve the above situation, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Department of Industry and Trade, relevant localities and units calculate specifically the force in need of support, especially in 11 wards implementing lockdown of Tan Uyen town and Thuan An city to urgently mobilize 50% of officials and employees of agencies and units (banks, post offices, VNPT, Viettel, etc.) to continue to support the above localities and gradually replace the support force that has completed the task.

Agreeing to organize the opening of the new school year 2021-2022 on September 15, 2021 according to a plan suitable to the pandemic situation in the area. The Education and Training branch calculates a plan to coordinate the appropriate force of public servants and teachers, giving priority to performing the task of pandemic prevention and control, while ensuring teaching.

The Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control from district to commune level and treatment facilities in the area review the overall number of hospitalized and discharged patients to report to the Provincial Steering Committee.

The Health Branch together with the Provincial Statistics branch review the number of hospitalized and discharged patients at field hospitals and provincial treatment facilities; make statistics on the collection and treatment capacity at present and in the coming time to have a plan to coordinate and receive F0 to support localities in the best way.

In addition, agreeing to reopen 47 green department stores at the request of the Department of Industry and Trade, but must ensure strict compliance with regulations on pandemic prevention and control to serve the food and foodstuff needs of the people.

Agreeing to prioritize the implementation of injection of 1 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine as soon as it is received in the fastest time.

Agreeing to quarantine at home for F0 who ensure the regulations of the Health branch; not to quarantine F0 in boarding houses. In addition to the policies of the Central Government, the province will support an additional 100,000 VND/person/day.

The Office of the Provincial People's Committee urges the units to complete the A2 plan and submit it for approval according to regulations (ensuring electricity, water, environment, etc.).

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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