Thứ 3, Ngày 31/08/2021, 23:00
Organizing information and communication on Covid-19 prevention and control according to the plan of the Ministry of Information and Communications
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​PORTAL - The Provincial People's Committee directs the implementation of the Information and Communication Plan on Covid-19 prevention and control of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Accordingly, the press and media focus on prominently propagating solutions of the Government, Provincial Party executive committees and Government; the province's efforts to take care of people's lives during the time of social distancing, especially the poor, freelance workers, etc.; emphasizing the increased participation of other forces to support, care for and help people overcome difficulties of the pandemic together with the province.

All information in the press (print, electronic, radio, television, photos) related to Binh Duong province during the period of strengthening pandemic prevention and control measures must be posted and broadcast with extreme caution. Noting the use of appropriate titles, selection of photos, videos, clips, and avoiding sensational titles and questionable articles related to pandemic prevention and control. Absolutely not re-exploiting unverified information for materials that only appear on social networks; avoiding information on particular phenomena, which do not reflect the nature of the general situation.

Actively, periodically holding press conferences or deciding on the appropriate method of providing information to the press 1-2 times a day, without being passive and sporadic with cases.

The representative of the Special Working Group on information and propaganda of the Central Propaganda and Training Commission, the Ministry of Information and Communications in Ho Chi Minh City has the right to request the head of the press agency to remove the news, articles and photos if found to be inconsistent with the requirements of anti-pandemic work.

When detecting inadequacies in working process, reporters should immediately provide them to the Working Group to coordinate with the city, the local government to come up with a suitable communication plan as quickly as possible, without heating up the issue.

In the current situation of distancing, it is necessary to prioritize the fastest and best means and methods of policy communication to the people; especially poor people, immigrants in peri-urban areas (no televisions, no smartphones, difficult for the government to manage, etc.). Therefore, using the loudspeaker system, portable speaker system, etc. to briefly announce the policies.

At the same time, focusing on information and propaganda in the press in foreign languages (and through foreign press agencies and news agencies) about drastic measures taken by the Vietnamese Government, Ho Chi Minh City and Southern provinces to successfully control the spread of the pandemic, reduce deaths, and successfully treat Covid-19 patients; enhancing information for foreigners in Vietnam so that they can understand, perform and not face many difficulties in their work, meet essential needs and take care of their health. Highlighting the positive results in pandemic control and death reduction in Vietnam, as well as the difficulties that need the help and sharing of the international community, especially vaccine diplomacy. Creating conditions for international press to access the field as soon as the situation is under control, giving good initial results.

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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