Thứ 3, Ngày 31/08/2021, 13:00
Binh Duong Department of Education and Training proposes to delay the opening of the new school year 2021-2022
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​PORTAL - On August 30, 2021, Binh Duong Department of Education and Training has submitted a Statement for the policy of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee on organizing the Opening ceremony and the teaching and learning at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.

Accordingly, the Department of Education and Training proposes that the opening date of the 2021-2022 school year be held on September 15, 2021 by online form (instead of September 05, 2021 as previously planned); conduct online teaching from September 16, 2021 to October 30, 2021. Specifically, primary, secondary and high school students stabilize their classroom routines from September 16, 2021 to September 18, 2021; implement the first semester program from September 20, 2021. Particularly for preschool, due to age-related psychophysiological characteristics, online learning is not implemented like in general education. With this level, the preschool educational institutions draft propaganda contents and develop propaganda videos and clips, instructing parents to organize activities to nurture, care for and educate children at home.

The Department of Education and Training's request to postpone the opening date of the school year stems from the actual situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in the province and the situation of civil servants, public employees, teachers and staff in the entire Education branch participating in supporting the Covid-19 prevention and control (about 682 people). At the same time, because at present, the province is strictly implementing Directive no. 16 of the Prime Minister until September 15, 2021, which has affected the back-to-school, the opening of school year, and the teaching and learning of teachers and students.

In order to create conditions for teachers to have time to prepare online lectures, the Department of Education and Training has also submitted to the Provincial People's Committee for approval the gradual replacement of teachers participating in volunteering to support the Covid-19 prevention and control when there are human resources to support. For school sites as centralized quarantine sites, gradually bringing F0 cases to field hospitals for the schools to repair, clean and disinfect in order to prepare to welcome students back to school from November 01, 2021. Vaccinating all civil servants, public employees, teachers and employees in the entire Education branch.

Reported by Mai Xuan - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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