Thứ 5, Ngày 15/08/2019, 15:00
Binh Duong: GRDP growth reached the highest level in 2016-2019 period
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15/08/2019 | Nguyen Trang
BEGIC - ​That is information in the report on the socio-economic situation, national defense in Binh Duong province in the first 6 months and directions, tasks of the last 6 months of 2019 presented by Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee at the opening session of the 10th meeting session - Binh Duong Provincial People's Council, term IX.

GRDP increased 8.09%

According to the report, the first 6 months of 2019, Total products in Binh Duong province (GRDP) increased 8.09% over the same period in 2018; in which, industry - construction increased by 7.65%; service increased 9.35%; agriculture, forestry and fisheries increased by 3.43%; product tax minus product subsidy increased by 9.6%. This is the highest growth rate in the 2016-2019 period. Sp​ecifically, the first 6 months of 2016 increased by 7.74%, the first 6 months of 2017 increased by 7.65% and the first 6 months of 2018 increased by 7.16%.

Budget revenue is estimated at VND 28,600 billion, reaching 52% of the provincial People's Council's estimation and increased 16% over the same period. Total development investment capital of the whole society is estimated at VND 40,623 billion, up 12.02% over the same period.

Industrial production continued to grow, Industrial production index was estimated to increase 8.08% over the same period. Domestic trade is stable, prices are stable. Total retail sales of goods and service revenue are estimated at VND 111,415 billion, up 15.8% over the same period. Export and import turnover continued to grow well, maintaining a trade surplus (US $3.4 billion).

Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee reports on the socio-economic situation, national defense in Binh Duong province in the first 6 months and directions, tasks of the last 6 months of 2019 at the 10th meeting session - Binh Duong Provincial People's Council, term IX

By June 30th, 2019, the province attracted VND 31,152 billion of domestic investment capital; Up to now, the province has 39,541 domestic enterprises with a total registered capital of VND 332,130 billion. Foreign attraction investment reached US $ 1.450 billion, up 70% over the same period, exceeding 3.6% of the yearly plan; until now, the province has 3,639 foreign-invested projects with a total registered capital of USD $33.76 billion.

Besides, agricultural production continued to grow. The value of agricultural, forestry and fishery production increased by 3.5% over the same period. Up to now, 100% of communes in the province meet new rural standards and 03 district-level units have completed the task of building new rural areas.

Social security is interested in fully implementing

The regimes and policies for people with meritorious services, social objects, the poor and workers are paid attention to by the province. Particularly in Lunar New Year 2019, the province mobilized VND 499.5 billion for social security activities, build 06 gratitude houses, support new construction and repair 61 great unity houses. Continue to implement the National Target Program for sustainable poverty reduction, so far the province has 4,546 poor households (accounting for 1.56%) and 2,924 nearly-poor households (accounting for 1.01%) according to the multi-dimensiona​l criteria of the province. The results of the 2019 population and housing census, the whole province has 2,411,694 people. The province has created jobs for 20,502 workers, achieving 45.6% of the year plan.

The quality and results of education and training are increasingly consolidating and gradually improving. High school graduation rate in 2019 of the province reached 95.05%, of which the public sector reached 98.49%, non-public reached 99.48% and regular education reached 74.25%. In 2018-2019 school year, the whole province has 654 educational institutions (up 26 bases compared to the previous school year), the rate of chemical construction reached 79.63%, the rate of public schools reaching national standards is 71.08%. The work of people's health care at all levels is guaranteed. The rate of participants in health insurance reached 86.19%. Activities to propagate, encourage and organize activities to greet the new year, holidays, great memories of the country and local political events are carefully implemented. Information communication, science and technology activities continue to be ensured and effective.

National defense and security in the province are guaranteed. The province has actively monitored and grasped the situation, implemented the plan to effectively handle the violations of the law.

Overcome limitations and successfully implement the objectives and tasks of 2019

In addition to the achieved results, Binh Duong's socio-economy in the first 6 months of 2019 still has some shortcomings and limitations. Due to the volume of implementation and disbursement of public investment is low; By June 30th, 2019, the total value of public investment disbursements was only 20.9% of the year plan. Low rubber latex prices, African cholera epidemic and hot weather have a great impact on agricultural production. The handling of unsettled issues and embellishment of spontaneous residential areas of branches and localities is still slow. Some traffic projects also have environmental pollution and illegal construction. Rapid population growth continues to put pressure on sectors and localities, especially Health, Education and order security. Crime types are increased over the same period, some cases of murder etc.

To successfully implement the objectives and tasks of socio-economic, defense and security development in 2019, sectors and levels will focus on reviewing and evaluating solutions to correct and overcome the above limitations, shortcomings and weaknesses. Along with that, continue to improve business investment environment and investment attraction in accordance with the province's orientation; organize dialogues with enterprises and industry associations to solve difficulties and problems, trade promotion, call for investment. Proactively preventing and fighting diseases on plants and animals, especially African swine cholera, instructing to re-herd at appropriate time; improve the quality of new rural criteria. Speeding up the progress and disbursement of public investment capital; preparing to inaugurate some key projects. Strengthening urban order management; effectively implement approved projects under Binh Duong Smart City Project.

From now until the end of the year, the province continues to implement social security policies and national target programs on sustainable poverty reduction. Deploy tasks for the 2019-2020 school year and activities to celebrate holidays and celebrations. Improving the quality of administrative reform, implementing the scheme of reorganizing the apparatus, streamlining the staff, enhancing discipline and administrative discipline; grasping the situation and be ready to respond to situations of order and security.

In particular, Binh Duong will prepare carefully to successfully organize the Asian Economic Cooperation Forum - Horasis in 201​9
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