Thứ 7, Ngày 30/06/2012, 04:27
First six months of 2012, industrial production value of Binh Duong reach VND 58,493 billion
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BEGIC - While the global economy still witnesses difficulties in the first six months of 2012, Binh Duong province continues to have good growth rate. Provincial GDP is estimated to increase 10% compared to same period, in which industry – service – agricultural sector increased 7.4%, 16.8% and 1.9% respectively.
Industrial production value is estimated at VND 58,493 billion, increased 11.1% compared to same period, among them domestic economic sector increased 9.8%, foreign invested sector increased 11.7%. Some industrial fields with high growth rate include: manufacturing fiber, textiles, paper, packaging, electronic wire and cable, electronic components, etc.
Industrial production value from foreign invested sector continues to account for a large amount (Manufacturing electronic equipments for automobiles at Yazaki ESD Vietnam Co. Ltd.)
At the present, Binh Duong province has 28 industrial parks with total planned area of 9,093 hectares, among them 26 ones have been officially put into operation. The average rental percentage is 65%, 6 industrial parks achieved 100% rental area.
Under the current context, there are a number of enterprises facing difficulties in goods consumption, large amount of inventory occurs with enterprises in furniture, steels, construction materials, etc. The provincial Authority has hold seminars and meetings with specific associations, enterprises and investors to in time find solutions, apply incentives and policies to help enterprises, business units, especially SMEs and labor-intensive enterprises overcome difficulties.

Phuong Nguyen

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