Thứ 6, Ngày 29/06/2012, 03:12
Import - Export turnover of Binh Duong in the first six months of 2012 reach $5 billion
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BEGIC - Although being affected by the global economic depression and changes, import – export of Binh Duong province in the first six months of 2012 still have good growth rate, almost all enterprises have gained exporting contracts.
Export turnover is estimated at $5.122 billion, increased 17.9% compared to same period last year. Among them, domestic economic sector accounts for 18.2% (increased 9.4%), foreign invested sector accounts for 81.8% (increased 20%). Key export products have good growth rate, for example rubber, textiles, furniture and electronics increased by 13.8%, 8.5%, 12.8% and 8.5% respectively. 55 new enterprises export for the first time, accumulated the whole province has 1,725 exporting enterprises into 193 countries and territories.
Textile continues to be the key export product of Binh Duong province
Import turnover is estimated at $4.188 billion, increased 15.1% compared to same period. In which, domestic economic sector obtained $965 million (increased 6.4%), foreign invested sector achieved $3.223 billion (increased 17.9%). Significant import of materials, machinery equipment and facilities supporting manufacturing.
Besides, total retail sales and service turnover is estimated at VND33,083 billion, increased 23.5% compare to same period. CPI in the first six months of 2012 rose by 3,48% compared to December 2011, in which goods and service increased 2.86% and 5.07% respectively.
Phuong Nguyen
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