Chủ Nhật, Ngày 10/06/2012, 02:40
May 2012: Binh Duong attract more than $319m FDI capital
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BEGIC - Under the context of global economic crisis, FDI attraction of Binh Duong province in May 2012 still increased with $319.810 million, including 15 newly-registered projects with total capital of $114.3 million and 16 capital-increased projects with total capital of $205.510 million.
Export turnover is estimated at $889 million, increased 1.6% compared to that of April and increased 16.4% compared to same period last year. Accumulated first five months, export turnover is estimated at $4.207 billion, increasing 18.1% compared to same period last year. Among them, domestic investment increased 10.3% and foreign invested sector raised by 20%. The three key export products of the province accounted for 36% of total export turnover, in which textiles, footwear and furniture increased by 2.4%, 19.7% and 13.1% respectively.
 Textile export turnover of Binh Duong province in May 2012 increased 2.4% (photo: Hoang Pham)
Import turnover is estimated at $711 million, increased 3.6% compared to April, and 15.9% compared to same period. Accumulated first five month import turnover was $3,434 million, increased 14.4% compared to same period last year. Among import products with higher growth rate compared to same period, paper, machinery equipment, textile accessories and electronics increased 49.4%, 28.9%, 18.3% and 12.3% respectively.
Phuong Nguyen
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