Thứ 6, Ngày 11/05/2012, 08:34
First quarter of 2012 – Binh duong’s economy continues to develop
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BEGIC - Under the evaluation of functional departments, in the first quarter of 2012, industrial production activities of the province continued with stable development and good growth rate. The industrial production value was estimated at 27,944 billion VN dongs, increased 10.5% in compared to the same period last year, among them domestic economic sector raised by 8.1%, foreign-invested e...
In the first quarter of 2012, purchasing power in the market rapidly increased due to the Traditional Tet Festival and the Full-Moon Festival of the first lunar month. The province implemented methods to ensure goods balance, support production and daily life, and especially stabilize the necessary goods, prevent from the sudden price escalation or soaring price. So that, total retail sales and service turnover was estimated at 16,383 billion VN dongs, increased 19.8% in compared to the same period, among them, state – private - foreign-invested economic sector increased by 17.7%, 20.8% and 5.8% respectively.
First quarter of 2012, export turnover estimated at 2.419 billion US dollars
Although being affected by the global economic situation, exportation of the province still had a good growth rate; almost all enterprises have signed exporting contracts and in a rush to manufacture products for delivery on time. Export turnover was estimated at 2.419 billion US dollars, increased by 18.5% compared to the same period last year. The main exporting products have high growth rate including rubber, textiles, footwares, furnitures, electronics, etc. Import turnover was estimated at 2.117 billion US dollars, increased by 19.1% compared to the same period.
Estimated basic construction budget was 1,200 billion VN dongs, accounts for 32% of the plan. Organizing the ground-breaking ceremony of many important projects. Holding the ground-breaking and announcement of social house project; granting investment certificates and opening some important projects in industrial and urban development for domestic and foreign investment.
In term of domestic investment, 418 newly registered enterprises and 118 capital-increased enterprises with total capital of 4,081 billion VN dongs. Foreign investment attraction has 1.462 billion US dollars, including: 21 newly registered enterprises with 1.238 billion US dollars and 25 capital-increased enterprises with 224.3 million US dollars.
The province continued to direct on budget collection increase and retrench expenditure, ensure budget on developing investment and current expenditure. Total state budget collection was estimated at 5,200 billion VN dongs, increased 89% in compared to the same period. Total state budget expenditure was estimated at 2,900 billion VN dongs, increased by 38% compared to the same period.
Besides, the province has in time implemented the policy on tax exemption, reduction and remittal for enterprises to solve difficulties in business and production. In 2011, the province has extended enterprise income tax for 12,188 enterprises with the total of 740 billion VN dongs, reduced tax for small and medium enterprises, enterprises using many workers in the field of production, processing and enterprises providing food stuff for workers with the total of over 336 billion VN dongs.
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