Thứ 3, Ngày 03/01/2012, 11:14
Binh Duong social economic development targets to fulfill in 2012
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BEGIC - In 2012, global economic circumstance will be complex and face challenges. Following the implementation of the Resolution of the 3rd plenum of the Party Central Committee (IXth Congress), the Resolution of the 3rd Binh Duong party Committee Congress and social economic development plan in the period 2011-2015, the provincial People’s Committee proposed principal targets of Bin...
Economy: the provincial gross domestic product (GDP) to increase by 13.5%, economic structure: Industry- Service – Agriculture to be 62% - 34.4% - 3.6% respectively, GDP per capita to reach about 43 million VND; industrial production to raise 18%, agricultural production to reach 4%; export turnover to gain 20%; total retail and service value to reach 30%; total investment for social development to be estimated 16.3%; foreign investment attraction to be approximately US$ 1 billion; total budget revenue to reach 27,000 billion VND and total budget expenditure to be 9,500billion VND.
In 2012, Binh Duong export turnover to increase 20%. (Photo: car components manufactured in Yazaki EDS Vietnam Company (YEV) - Di An town)
Society: the percentage of public school to attain 40%; to create 40 – 45 thousand jobs, trained labors to increase 64% (44% of which to be professionally trained); the rate of underprivileged household classified by new standards to fall by 1.5%, malnutrition children under 5 years old to decrease to 12.1%; number of patient beds per 10,000 people to go up 22, floor area per capita to reach 18.4%.
Environment: the percentage of people using clean water to reach 96.2% in rural area and 97% in urban area, the treatment rate of manufacturers causing serious environmental pollution to raise 100%, the collection and treatment of solid waste from hospital to gain 100%; 100% industrial parks in operation to build waste water treatment system, industrial and long term trees coverage to gain 56.7%.
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