Thứ 2, Ngày 16/05/2011, 09:02
“Binh Dương Strategy of environmental protection to 2020, Vision to 2030” project
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BEGIC - General objective of the strategy is the harmonious combination of social - economic development and resources and environment protection in order to ensure the sustainable development; resonable exploitation and effective use of natural
And ressources aiming to the ecological balance at high level; combining the natural preservation and the biodiversity; gradually reduce the increasing pollution, overcome the current  degradation and gradually improve the environment quality; Gradually raise the public awareness and responsibility to protect the  environment and natural resources; gradually optimize the capacity and efficiency of national management in this fields.
Specifically, to ensure the provincial coverage rate of green to reach 60%; to increase tree area percentage in the industrial parks at minimum level of 15%; the coverage rate of green to exceed the average from 0.7 to 1.2m2 per capita; reduce 75% of landfill wastes by enhancing to divide and recycle wastes; increase the clean renewable energy using to reach 5% of the total energy in 2020 and 10% in 2030.
There will have at least 30% manufacturers to follow the industrial pollution prevention – cleaner production in 2015 and to increase the minimum rate of 50% in 2030 and 70% in 2030.  Up to 2020, 100% population in urban area and more than 98% population in rural area access to clean water; 100% households in urban area and 80% households in rural area have appropriate toilets…
 Mai Xuan
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