Thứ 2, Ngày 24/09/2012, 08:26
Eastern International University: Opening ceremony of school year 2012 – 2013
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BEGIC – Sep 24th, Eastern International University (EIU) hold the Opening ceremony of school year 2012 – 2013. Mr. Mai The Trung, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of Binh Duong Party Committee, Mrs. Hoang Thi Lan Phuong, Vice-Chief of Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Training, Vice-Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council Tran ...
Member of Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee Mai The Trung (left) offered flowers for EIU
In the school year 2011 – 2012, EIU received more than 2,000 students of college and university level, among them, 600 students of the regular training, 531 junior and high school teachers studying the IELTS classes and 911 students for Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park, Vietnam Technology and Telecommunication Joint Stock Company (VNTT)…
In the school year 2012 – 2013, EIU enrolled 1,494 students of college and university degree, 582 teachers from Binh Duong Education and Training Department and provincial Political School. This year, EIU applies the credit unit regulations, 03 terms per school year, deploys the strategy of education development in the period of 2011 – 2020 and receives the first foreign student (Cheong Ui Cheol from Korea).
At the ceremony, the EIU Board of Rectors offered the scholarship to 05 valedictorians of the enrollment period 2012 – 2013 and to 49 students of the first course for their excellent results (President List 2012 scholarship).
Mr. Nguyen Van Hung, General Director of Becamex IDC granted the scholarship for valedictorians of the enrollment 2012 - 2013
Students of the first course received the scholaship of President List 2012
Provincial Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi
Speaking at the ceremony, Provincial Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi recognized the efforts and endeavors of EIU teachers and students during the first school year. He requested that the EIU management needs to research the renovation of the program, content, teaching and learning method in order to create the passion, promote the creativity of students; continue to perfect the training program, control the quality of students when graduated as committed especially English level and specialist skills.
Member of Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee Mai The Trung beat the drums to begin the school year 2012 – 2013.
Hoang Pham
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