Chủ Nhật, Ngày 12/06/2011, 08:48
TBC-Ball Beverage Can Vietnam plant construction work begins
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BEGIC - June 12, TBC-Ball Beverage Can Vietnam Limited began construction of a beer and beverage can plant in VietNam- Singapore Industrial Park II (VSIP II).
The plant on an area of 8 hectares and worthy of US$50 millions was scheduled to be put into operation in 2012 with a annual capacity of 850 million cans. This project is to develop the beer and beverage can manufacturing system to meet the needs of partners, particularly in Southeast Asia.
The TBC-Ball Beverage Can Vietnam plant was the fourth one beginning the construction work in VSIP II. The first three ones were the diaper plant of Procter & Gamble Co. (already put into operation in 2010) and two other plants under construction by Kewpie Vietnam Co., Ltd. and Nissin Foods Vietnam Co. Up to now, VSIP II has attracted 32 projects, of which 12 projects have received licenses at the total investment capital of US$ 216 millions.
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